Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

I think the family part was referring to OG Horde, so Orcs, trolls and Tauren who were in brotherhood of arms, and their bond was tightly knit. Forsaken from the very intro were established as “alliance of convenience” so ofc it didn’t apply to them.

And Darkspears were living to that standard, the reason why only in late WotLK they reclaimed their islands was becuase they chose to support Horde first on it’s campaigns.
They priotized wellbeing of entire faction over their own. Thrall even reflected how Trolls helped with supplying orcs with food.

As for Tauren and orcs, the bond was also meant to be something of the beauty , here are the reflections of Thrall.

I remember when we first encountered the tauren. I remember Cairne Bloodhoof’s deep voice and calm face. I remember sitting on the ground in a tent that could be broken down and erected with startling speed, and feeling oddly at home. We smoked pipes, shared food and drink, felt the drumming in our bones, and talked. The tauren seemed to me bestial at first, but there was wisdom and humor in them, and by the time the first round of negotiations had been conducted, I knew that the orcs had a rare ally in these half-bovine beings.

Night had fallen while we spoke, a soft night befitting this beautiful land. We left the tent and gazed up at stars too numerous too count, a sweet wind caressing our faces. I turned to Drek’Thar, to ask for his wisdom. To my astonishment I saw tears on his face, glinting in the moon’s light.

“This is how we used to be, my chieftain,” he said in a broken voice. He lifted his arms and tilted his head back, calling the wind to embrace him and dry the tears on his strong green face.

“Close to the earth. Close to the spirits. Strong in the hunt, gentle with the younglings, knowing our place in the world to be right and just. Understanding the balance of taking and giving. The only magic the tauren practice is the good, clean magic of the earth, and the land reflects that, the way Draenor once reflected our connection.”

I thought of the tauren’s request for aid in fighting their enemy, the vile, filthy centaur.

“Yes … I feel for them. It will be good to be able to help them,” I said.

Drek’Thar laughed, turning his blind eyes to me and seeing me more clearly than anyone with sight could.

“Oh, my young Thrall,” he said, chuckling still, “you do not yet understand. They will help us.”

That used to be the Horde. The Horde I fell in love with.
Now? I agree with you, it’s a faction that consist of people that would sooner priotize their own self interest. I really hope that Darkspears this time will get the memo, and not try to be martyr again on the altar of Horde integrity.