Did you even check these laborers surroundings? There are dead Horde bodies everywhere and Horde siege weapons. Again, it was only though swift action that they were beaten back. Also why should the night elves abandon their homes to invaders?
And the Horde would have wiped out the night elves as well. And we saw how the War of Thorns ended. It was kill or be killed and it wasn’t the night elves who started it.
Except we did not see any kids or non-combatants. The quest doesn’t have us go around killing kids or non-combatants. So I expect it was a Theramore scenario where there were kids/non-combatants evacuated. Unless you can prove the Alliance did kill kids there?
And like what happened to the High elves I expect it was a situation where the dwarves made their homes in Ironforge/uninhabited areas. The trolls attack them and ultimately got beaten back. The issue with all of this ancient history is we don’t know who stuck first. If the Dwarves did, fine they were clearly villains in that story, but it has always been silent.
They were not being target because of their age but because they were planning on attacking Anvilmar. And again:
The dwarves currently consider the Frostmane tribe little more than a nuisance, and have not made a concerted effort to vanquish them.
The attacks any Alliance does has been for pre-emptive measures.
The terms used for the trolls in other languages are “jeune/cria” for french/spanish. There are all called “young trolls” but nothing has ever specified we are killing kids.
As for the Stonespire there were other suvivors: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Stonespire_tribe
I am willing to retrack my statement on this because Chronicles does state it was the Horde who got the kill on Hakkar, having said that.
He did. His trolls are still squating in Stormwind Harbor to this Day!(someone get them out of our habor!!!)
We helped the Zandalari. So alot of our own questing was directed by them.
Rastakhan could barely care about his own kingdom’s problems. As it was Zul was the one trying to unite the tribes. And you mentioned why the should aid the Alliance with guys like Trollbane? Well why should they work with the Horde when Vol’jin had a hand in ruining their whole uniting the troll people plan/killing countless Zandalari in the process.
Because for the most part it has blood due to needs of defending itself rather then for conquests. The few times it did do it for less then honourable reason the perpetrators either ended up dead(like Bael Modan) or didn’t have the support of the Alliance as a whole(Daelin/Garithos)
Again, we are not killing Frostmane kids. They are “young trolls” but not kids. That is how “whelp” is being translated in other languages.