Jaina and Kalecgos

From what I remember of the book War Crimes, that is the actual quote.

compared to the random joes they had writting their lore up to present before bringing in full time novelists… regardless of the quality of their work, it’s better than the potato writers they had before, such as the ones who wrote the story for Cataclysm or Warlords of Draenor…

also she’s made some good decisions. Such as in the story when the Forsaken and Alliance have a meetup, originally Blizzard was going to have a random individual in the story and it was Golden who pushed for and got Calia to become apart of the story. Now Calia has returned in lore and is now apart of the story going forward. And it made good sense too since she is of Lordaeron.

If they could even have kids, not sure why anyone would think a human female without the internal bits/capacity to lay eggs, would give birth to eggs… I’d assume she’d just give birth to a live baby.

Now if it were a man in a relationship with a female dragon aspect, then sure she I’d imagine the dragon would lay eggs as that’s what their biology allows…

They already have a ready-made ‘dragon’ class they can use. Dragonsworn. Basically any mortal that’s pledged themselves to serve a particular dragonflight, with different powers based on which flight (Dragonsworn serving the black flight had shadowflame for example). In the WoW rpg they had abilities like being able to sprout scales for armor, claws for melee weapons, and even wings for flight.

The fact that we now have a Dragon race, makes this post so much more cool.

Jaina has in no way forgiven the Horde for nuking Theramore. Or the Horde abandoning their posts during the assault at the Broken Shores. Even after she learned why. One doesn’t forgive the death of a best friend. She has simply moved passed it in order to concentrate on her roll as ruler of Kul Tiras.

As for Kalecgos. They are done.

Jaina has a responsibility as the last viable Proudmoore to produce a worthy heir. She doesn’t have to get married to do so. However, her ability to capitalize on her marriageability and unite with another kingdom/nation state is a valuable asset. One that she can’t waste on romance.

To be logical about it. There aren’t many alternatives for Jaina when it comes to marriage and producing heirs. If we’re being honest with ourselves. Politically speaking, Anduin is a prime candidate. Their marriage would seal the people of Kul Tiras and Stormwind together politically. Their children would be in a position to directly influence the fate of Humans on Azeroth.

Rulers don’t get the option of finding love on their own. With their position as head of the kingdom, they have a responsibility to ensure the smooth transition of power from one generation on to the next.

That Varian was able to find love with Tiffin after their marriage being arranged, is an exception and not the rule.

TLDR: Jaina has to do whats best for her people. Whatever the cost to herself. It’s the price of power.

1 post and it’s a 4 year old necro

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And I’m sure Jaina is quite thankful that she personally did not have to lay all their eggs herself.

She still has one living brother, Tandred.

I said Viable. Tandred is…a bit off.

In Kalecs defense, he was being controlled by a Dreadlord.

Wait a minute… controlled by… a Dreadlord… Jaina…?

Jaina is no more a Dreadlord than a box of pepperoni pizza is a cat.

War mongering Bad girl jaina was best jaina

Old jaina and current jaina are boring

Old Jaina is hotter than younger Jaina. Theres something about a mature, intelligent and stubborn lady.

By old jaina i mean jaina prior to MoP.

I mean as she is now. She is older now. I want her to yell at me for all my poor life choices.

She’s had a lot of boyfriends, most of them bad boys. She likes Thrall but he’s married! Khadgar seems to smart enough to stay away from her.

Never claimed I was smart. I’m dumb enough if she’s game!

Now you can’t go around saying things like that without making me think about this classic

I hated how they just dropped it and leapt her away from that relationship so abruptly.
Sure they were having issues, but it wasn’t really direct.

Anyway, I wouldn’t mind having Kalecgos pair up with either Stellagosa or Tyrygosa (However Tyrygosa and Jorad Mace seem to be a cuter pair together).

On a plot-twist note, if the Blood Elves used to Eye of Aman’Thul as a cap to the Sunwell to prevent it from getting corrupted, which unintentionally beamed it with the same amount of grand arcane energies from the well it use to perpetuate prior to its corruption via reviving Kel’Thuzad, so that the well was now TWICE as powerful – Resonating with powerful holy energies, and immense arcane energies - More mightier than ever before, then having mass amounts swirl around a spiritual presence lowering its power around to how it was before just slightly higher (Merely just interweaved between Arcane AND Holy Energies) then have someone be seen awaking from the well, the revived spiritual presence being none other than Anveena Teague — I’d ship her with Kalec once again. :grin:

This is such a bad relationship.

Jaina Proudmoore has been abused so much when it comes to romance. It’s as if the writers have a vendetta for allowing the woman happiness. She has been the punching bag for the writing team ever since she was with Arthas when he turned.

Why the heck can’t they let the woman be happy? Seriously? Why?

Jaina should have been with Kael’thas. Kael’thas was a tall, handsome prince and wanted to date her. But she wanted to focus on her “studies” and then starts to date Arthas?

Now they pair her with a dragon. The writers hate Jaina so much, I’m surprised she’s even still alive. Figured they would have killed her off long ago, it would have been easier than the hand she’s been dealt.

Jaina and thrall was never a thing, Jaina and Anduin though…
Well, We’ll leave it up to the imagination.