Jaina and Kalecgos

I was wondering… with the bad blood between the Horde and Jaina resolved, hopefully for good this time it seems… What about the relationship between Kalec and Jaina?

The reason why they stopped being a relationship was due to her needing to deal with her issues when the Legion expansion started, and her leaving the Kirin Tor/Dalaran to deal with her issues with the Horde and personal issues and Kalec understanding she needed to deal with her issues alone and giving her the space she needed.

So now with all Jaina’s daddy issues, Theramore legacy issues, Horde issues, etc all resolved… I was wondering if Jaina would be resuming her relationship with Kalecgos?

They both seemed to have a good relationship going… so would be good if they both decided to pick things back up where they left off going forward in Warcraft lore.

Plus I require a playable human/dragon hybrid allied race for the Allied Horde faction come Warcraft IX and WoW 3… so make it happen :stuck_out_tongue:


I just want dragon class. And just choose which skin you’d like from the choices of all the races.


:eggplant: :sweat_drops: :ok_hand:


Kaelec is clueless in everyday human things, and Jaina was just feeling lonely at the time.

& the blue dragon flight hates the lesser races yet we always fix thier problems for them

Good luck to Kalec… let’s be real, the way Jaina was looking at Thrall again means Kalecgos has no chance.


Since Dragons can’t reproduce anymore now is a great time for mortal ladies to date dragon dudes.

Cause, I mean… Dragon eggs are huge and spiky…

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that was mainly just malygos or alternative kalegos who went insane… or from the time when they were secluded away from mortal society… as non-corrupted/non-insane blue dragons in modern warcraft lore are actually “pleasantly surprised at the progress humans and high elves had made. Their pride in the accomplishments of these races allowed them to justify taking humanoid form to trade secrets with the mortals.”

So yeah, if they hated the lesser races, they wouldn’t be making any effort to take on human/elf forms to enter our societies in order to help and share their knowledge with them.

unless thrall’s willing to cheat on his wife and abandon his son… but really all Kalec needs to do is take on his dragon form and show Jaina his big dragon manhood and she’d forget who Thrall even is.


awww the blues have had it so bad I can’t blame them for being secluded. Having to watch your babies get slaughtered in their eggs and being betrayed by your good friend when you were the one to help convince the rest that it was a good plan to make that dragon soul? So much guilt and rage and sorrow, and he went insane. I feel bad for Malygos.

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Jaina is probably going to work on herself for awhile. All three of her romances have been with beings that were raid bosses before she became a raid boss herself.

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I want a dragon race. Would be fun to have a dragon whelp as a flying mount.

Imagine if one day we get a Raid Boss fight called “Council of Jaina’s Ex-Boyfriends” lol


Well yea, but I mean your outer appearance is whatever race that exists. Kind of like Worgens two forms :slight_smile:

Or an entire expansion around fighting each of her ex’s ala Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

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With a secret mythic phase of fighting Jaina again!

I don’t wanna date Jaina though :persevere:

what if Blizzard rolled back the Jaina cleavage nerf?

Nope. Jaina is basically 40. She’s a couple of decades outside my strike zone lol

Kalec is out lucky

we all know once we get to Shadowlands we will save arthas soul and he’ll be reborn and start to rebuild Lordaeron + marrying jaina

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she’s currently 35 or 36. Close, but not quite at expiration date yet. She was born in year -3 (3 years before the First War), BfA is set in year 33

In addition, our characters are about the same age as well, as lorewise, our characters were essentially around (presumably as an adult) for the events of WC3/Vanilla WoW, etc as quotes/questlines, etc would lead you to believe as there are characters who’ll reference a past event as if you were there apart of the past event as well or outright say you were there.

Some player races are even older. Any elf is going to be centuries old. A blood or void elf, for example, would be a veteran of at least the 2nd and 3rd wars, both of which involved invasions of Quel’thalas by the Horde/Scourge respectively. Such an elf could conceivably have been alive during the troll wars as well!

To say nothing of a draenei character who might have been alive when the draenei fled Argus, 25,000 years ago. Granted there is some timey-wimey things going on with traversing the Twisting Nether.

In any case, Jaina being a noblewoman and now the Lord Admiral, essentially the Head of State, of Kul Tiras is well out of players’ leagues.