Jaina and Hogger <3

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To the flaggers, guess you havenā€™t been to Cebu recently, a lot of bad genetics out there :stuck_out_tongue:

Still a better love story than Thrall/Aggra. ā€œGOEEEEELLLLL!ā€ :face_vomiting:

(He should have gotten with Jainaā€¦)

We also know what else is in Elwynn Forest. :wink:

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Aha that explains vulpera.

Isnā€™t that how Gnomes where made? Giant heads, creepy baby face.

Yes male gnomes are creepy as hell, A sledge hammer canā€™t even fix that, FF online is worse in the gnome dept so thereā€™s that

I donā€™t normally say this but I think the OP had way to much to drinkā€¦hic!

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You have issues.

IDK, Intergalactic space goats can mate with Titanforged life-corrupted hyper-devolved ogres from another planet.

It would result in a traveling merchant named Jaiggermiester.
Iced cold shots anyone?

people in azeroth also never seem to use the restroom barring some exceptional circumstances so maybe biology just doesnā€™t work like it should

i stand by my ā€œugly childā€ statement though

Alot of fan fiction can lead to brain decay.

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Someone please reorder Azeroth.
We are clearly going in the wrong direction.


Meatball Crush Hogger RWAAAAR

I thought Jaina lived in Tortuā€¦ Boralus?

like those orcs in redridge mountains?

Or the chance to write for a massive video game company. :sweat_smile:

Or both. lol

/misses his ability to post gifs :cry: