Jaina and Hogger <3

They decide to fall in love and have a accidental love child

Is the baby adorbs? or nah?

Like they both reside in Elwynn Forest, One day Jaina is watering her mage garden or whatever it is mages do and Hogger walks by and their eyes lock in a loving lust Azeroth has never seen before and so they decide to fall in love and make love like no other (Jaina is a lonely girl after all and after Arthas she was just done with humans and thier Drama), Boom Jaina gets preggers and pops out a Beautiful Baby Boy/Girl gnoll Hybrid

Could be a focus for the next expansion wink wink


i can’t imagine the gametes combining at all, since presumably humans and gnolls are different species. if they were able to have a child, it’d probably be ugly, because all children are ugly




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Guild name checks out.

You okay, OP?


Raising that abomination would be stealing from the Unholy Death Knight class identity!


Google Rico Lesdesma - theres your answer.

with the use of magic anything is possible

HOGGER is a pumper and jaina is a screamer, As seen in torghast

A better story then SLs

I honestly thought I was about to read a post about Jaina’s ship and something to do with Hogger.

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If you love kobolds maybe uh-ahm no.

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Tie a bag around it, put a few rocks in the bag and toss it overboard into the sea.


Is this a daughter of the sea reference? :upside_down_face:


Fish food. :fish:

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Get my flamethrower.

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4/10 for getting nibbles.

wiggles toes

becomes distracted

points flamethrower above

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It’d probably still be prettier than Thrall’s kids.

toe wiggling intensifies