Jaina and Anduin love story

Personally, I dont care either way and 99% certain Blizzard will never do it. Having said that, I’m pretty pro shipper so if you want to ship them, whatever dude go for it.

I mean I’m into some pretty weird things too but some stuff still gives me the heebie jeebies lol


30 - 36 depending on how Expansion time-frames are handled in Canon.

I tend to round up with ages in fiction just to keep things simple. That’s a me thing I know lol

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Mate it’s still weird.

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Also rumor flitting about that Taelia and Anduin are getting together.

I think she should find herself a nice dwarf. :heart:



Jaina and Thorland shall be a perfect couple


Ignoring the fact that the only reason she even needed a “redemption” was because of terrible nonsensical third grade level writing/storytelling. A redemption never should have been needed in the first place.

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WELP! That’s enough internet for me today.


The House of Plantagenant shall rise once more.

Disgusting. Jaina is his aunt. Some of you people really need several things: 1. A therapist 2: a life 3: gross this is gross


Not if the House of Capet has anything to anything to say about it.

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Old gods No…

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Kneels down in front of Lithelinne

Will you be my Therapist ?

We need strange love triangles in Wow like maybe a murlock falls in love with a naga and they have a child and that new race is called maga.

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Modification on OP’s idea:

Anduin gets swept up in some crazy gnome doctor’s time travel experiment and sent back 20 years, where he accidentally interferes with Jaina’s budding romance with Arthas, causing young Jaina to fall for Anduin instead of Arthas. Anduin needs to put the Arthas-Jaina romance back on track in order to save the timeline, but with young Jaina totally coming onto Anduin, and Anduin knowing they aren’t actually related, it’ll be tough. Plus, does anyone REALLY want to save the current timeline?

There’s only one major problem. Anduin is lame. There’s not really a realistic story where Anduin manages to look as cool as Marty McFly, or where Arthas would look as lame as George McFly. I’m also not sure who would play the role of Biff in creating an antagonist capable of making Jaina react in the same way Loraine reacts to Marty McFly, like in the skateboard chase:

Not really a fan of incest. Even if they aren’t blood, there is the whole perception of her being his aunt that is distasteful.

There is zero proof of that.

They aren’t related.