Jaina and Anduin love story

At this point, we all know this game is a fan fiction. So might as well go one step further

Time for Jaina and Anduin love story. She should be the queen of storwind


I mean it’s pretty on brand for hereditary monarchs to marry their family.


Oh no, eww. She is like his older aunt figure. That’s just eww.


We all know who is Jaina’s real love. :slight_smile:

So is banshee queen getting redemption but we are getting that anyways

Time to cross all limits of fan fiction.

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No it isnt. There is bad writing and then there is ewww.


Agree, Knee. Same reason I never considered Anduin other than a friend, and a kind of adopted nephew. :slight_smile:

Everyone knows Anduin and Sylvanas are getting married.


Wrathion will be the court lover

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That’s gross and creepy. Jaina is his “aunt.” And way too old. You people are disturbing.


Jaina thinks of Anduin as a nephew and he thinks of her as an aunt. :woman_shrugging:


Very true…I am a complete weirdo

Bro shes like 40. He’s in his very early twenties and calls her Auntie. No


A good fan fiction :laughing:

Anduin is with Wrathion.


/10 char

Um…Jaina is literally twice his age, Jaina is also at an age well…strategically it wouldn’t be a good match for Anduin politically.

Tess Greymane on the other hand would be a good option politically, story wise, and new found emotional trauma.

Jaina is also fwb with a dragon, shes not gonna get with Anduin lol

  1. Jaina and Anduin are NOT related. So honestly, this is actually not as controversial as the OP thinks.(Auntie Jaina being more of a term of endearment rather then anything else)
  2. As far as we know neither of them have any attraction to each other and any feeling they have is more familial rather then romantic.

Personally its leass creepy then Jaina getting with a dragon. En revenche, Anduin might be into that too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That she’s 40 doesn’t mean anything, really. 40-50 year old women deserve marrying their prince! However, she’s like an aunt to him, so… that’d be weird.

What we need is move away from Humans and focus on Rommath falling in love with a Void Elf and not knowing how to tell Lorthemar. I’d take even a romance from Gnolls that starts for a candle fight.

Any shipping but more Humans.

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Meh the dragons in WoW present themselves how they are mentally age wise. I’d imagine they looked better as a couple if they ever gave kalecgos a updated model.

Still the fact Anduin grew up calling her Auntie makes the idea of them pairing up icky for me.

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