Jailer's plan copypasta?

Does anyone have that Jailer’s plan copypasta that was floating around? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Be vaguely evil or something idk if even the writers know


no. be the NECESSARY evil.

dum dum dummmmmmmmmm

Here it is!!


Evil god escaping to remake the universe is a pretty standard fantasy plot. I really expected better. I don’t why I expected better, but I did.


Still a bit bummed he wasn’t the victim of his siblings uprising.

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they didn’t. how are you gonna unite cosmos if you kill off 99.999% of it.
that .001 % ain’t fighting much lol.


Well, it’s a lot easier to unite .001% of a thing than to unite it and the other 99.999%.

the jailer wasn’t evil his plan is much better than our plan you heard him.

So… Jailer was attempting to save us from the much dreaded Canadian Aero Snake?

The error we have caused will be frlt for generations, if not eons.

I don’t think it’s the one that you’re talking about, but I wrote this up a while back:

Same as Sargeras, stop a greater evil by dominating everyone into their personal army.

This is a good summary, but the one I was looking for was kind of a satirical one summing up how ridiculous it was to have the jailer playing 11d chess from thousands of years ago to set up events currently.

Its blizzard, they couldn’t write a compelling story to save their own lives. I’ve seen much better and well written stories in my years of gaming and blizzard is like kindergarten level writing.

Dont bother with trying to keep track of this garbage writing. You’ll drive yourself around the bend.


Can we try and keep track if we’re already around the bend?

At that point you would have lost your last marble and even twilight fanfiction would be considered Tolkien level writing to you.

I may be around the bend but I’m not Twilight is Chaucer levels of crazy.

We all go a little mad at some point

Quick let me type up the Jailer’s resume

:mountain: :evergreen_tree: :dragon: :ocean: :mountain: :evergreen_tree: :ocean: