Jailer's plan copypasta?

He’s a Lich King 2.0.

After the first one lost part of his power and the Forsaken got free, they went on about commiting atrocities all over the place. So, writers hate Nelves and wanted them dead for the giggles, but as always, wanted to excuse the Horde from taking responsibility, that’s when they had the brilliant idea of a background Lich King (who was never present in any lore whatsoever) and his whole function is that, once he’s dead, Forsaken won’t be bad anymore and it’s all forgiven!

His plan was to unite the cosmos by intentionally dividing it and not stopping us even though he MC stunned us and could’ve killed us there multiple times only to get beat up by us later. This guy sabotaged himself so hard it’s comical. He actively worked against himself and then kept letting us live even though any bad guy with half a brain would’ve offed us as soon as we proved to be an annoyance.

Jailer is just a dork that got played like a pawn by sire darnathrious. The legion scourge ect all that happened on its own and darnathrious just told the jailer that it was his doing.

Darnathrious “ya buddy it was your idea remember? your such a evil overlord aren’t ya buddy”

Jailer sitting in his own filth “ya”

Everything the jailer claims to have done was just ideas planted by the sire darnathrious who would have done them regardless of a jailer character or not.

Oops! We accidentally used up our main antagonist! Quickly! Replace him with… this one guy! No, the design’s not finished, but preview it anyways! Story!?! There’s no time! Just make it the same as the last one, but bigger! And more vague so we don’t have to define anything!

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I hope this is the plan. Would fix a lot of the longer-lasting damage inflicted by Shadowlands.

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“Wait! What’s his name? Zovaal… Hmm… No one’s going to remember that, let’s call him The Jailer.”

“But he’s in jail, not in charge of it.”

“Doesn’t matter! The name pops, we can do some rewrites to get the name to fit.”

Idk, but it sure does look like they copied Cloud city from Star Wars, and pasted it to Shadowfail, just called it Oribos :nerd_face:

Yeah, any villain that utters the phrase, “not worth my time/effort,” deserves to lose, and is just a poorly written plot device. Yeah, let the protagonist grow in power and knowledge until they are a real threat, so they can defeat you easily. That’s the best plan ever.

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Almost as good as Arthas thinking it was a good idea to let the factions hold a literal tournament to find the champions most capable of defeating him. He wanted the strongest… ok OR… he could have killed and raised everybody.

Villains, man. I tell ya hwat.

Blizz writers room

Slow down, that’s too complicated

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To be fair they mostly refer to him as “The Banished One” in the lore. Calling him the Jailer was actually a result of Limit Maximus whining on stream that he didn’t know who Zovaal the Banished One was (be cause he doesn’t pay attention to the lore) so they renamed him to The Jailer in the raid.

It’s actually absurd how much influence these guys have over the direction of the game, but it is what it is.



He is not only incompetent but apparently having his mind damaged by the Runes of Domination placed on him.

Domination is an Astral Language that makes the Mind renounce it’s sense of self.

He was hit by the same procedure that Xehanort preformed on those he divided into Heartless and Nobodies.

Xehanort’s Experiments made the Body’s Mind and Soul renounce the Heart with some experiments also making the Body renounce it’s original form and others making the Mind renounce everything.

The Keyblade to unlock People’s Hearts that Ansem used on Maleficent and Sora used on himself was used to make Sora’s Heart and mind renounce it’s form only for Kairi to get it to regain it’s appearance but not the actual Body and Soul which was left with 2 potential identities:

  1. Namine who represents the time where both Kairi and Ventus shared time in Sora’s Body
  2. Roxas who represents the time that Ventus spent alone in Sora’s Body.

In the case of the Scourge the procedure is specifically used to make the Mind renounce it’s control over the Body while remaining within it and in the case of Zovaal it was used to make him less competent with his plans by making his Mind renounce all good ideas for his schemes!


On my 9.2.5 come back fun I got a second belt. so a chance to take all that zm story again to take in…and pick apart.

and there is argus (echo of) going hahahaha…see his plan came to fruition.

hold up. we are here because out of a 1000 step plan, most of the steps failed. so you are saying he planned all these failures so we could roll some balls into a wall?

Yes. and bring the new arbiter shell.

umm, argus. if he succeeded at step 750 of the 1000 step plan he’d have won. and recreates a new arbiter with the snap of his thanos like fingers. we…aren’t needed to a being who can recreate the universe. We are as one forum poster like to say…spare parts. to a being who can recreate the universe on a whim anyway.

So…this plan didn’t really work. POnder that as we drop you. A second time.

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but hes been called the jailer since the expansion launched?


If they won’t off streamers and players…he’d have been titled Nipple man, or Mr. Nipples really. If I could mod this game…this would be the mod I’d make if not done already lol.

As yeah…only 2 things will be remembered about him years from now.

Nipples…and a strong overdose of voice modulation on the sound board. Feel bad for the voice actor. So much sound boarding to mask who they are and any talent they may have. Theoretically they could have pulled in the janitor to read lines.

Don’t worry tom…this is the easy bit. just be yourself. We are just going to have the audio engineers post process this to hell and back anyway.

You know, I would have gotten on board with that kind of explanation. A villain that actually struggles against the horific fetters placed upon them long ago would have made for a more compeling character.

The Primus outright mentions Domination being used on him and inscribing the Runes of Domination on him.


The Primus says: For his crimes, we stripped our brother of his power and bound him to the Maw. It was I who scribed the runes of Domination upon his flesh.


I created Domination as a tool to punish Zovaal.

My anger informed that creation, and now we pay the price for my hubris. Even Eternal Ones err on occasion.

But we are not without hope.

Take the half of the broken Helm of Domination, and test it upon one of your own. If it retains enough power, it can then be used to test it elsewhere in Zereth Mortis.

He also mentions the nature of Domination here:


Domination was never meant to cause the devastation that Zovaal has wrought. We suffer the price of my hubris.
:left_speech_bubble: Tell me about Domination.
Domination is akin to communication, a language, if you will.
One so powerful that it interferes with a creature’s very understanding of itself. This is why it is almost impossible to resist.
If we can disrupt that interference long enough, we may find a way to thwart it.

Zovaal’s mind was hit with the Confusion Status Debuff since his capture yet still had a long enough time to figure out how to utilize it in a most creative manner.

He used Domination to make the Scourge slaves in various manners leaving them trapped in a Body that no longer serves them.

He also used it to make the Mawsworn broken and willing to serve him.

He finally used it on Arthas to make his Mind reject the last fragment of Soul inside him but unfortunately he was unable to control Arthas after that.

A Body that rejects the Soul Fragment gains a mind that is Sociopathic and Arrogant that constantly has to fight the Soul Fragment for control.

In the Arthas Novel right after raising Sylvanas she sees him look remorseful but soon after her raising in the Sylvanas Novel he puppets it about for a while before tossing it over to Dar’Khan Drathir.

Clearly the Body overcompensated for the Soul Fragment’s resistance!