Jaedenar Alliance Reconnections

Definitely recognize a lot of names. I have crazy memories of this server like it was yesterday. I was the human warrior Raged, a few of us still play other games together and are coming back for classic.

Option, Hx, Gd, Keisei we will all be leveling together.

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Have they released how many servers?

Not yet. Hopefully before the 12th!

Actually I take that back, here they are: WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

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Nai < HATRED > Human Mage

Nightfall Battlegroup

There was a big group of 29 twinks that played in the Nightfall battlegroup. We had multiple guilds spread across the battlegroup and supported weekly battleground nights for level 29s.

Looking to find the group that played together across the battlegroup.

Mauhdeeb - Gnome Mage Deathwing

What server is everyone thinking

Odynne, human priest in Morte Diventa. I remember Toolio and Naiad.

Discord: Noodles#0006
Battle tag: Noodles#11695

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I was gnome mage, Frostina.

I played Soop (night elf druid) around the beginning of BC.

Original Hacker - Human Mage (Vanilla and BC only)

Right when I quit i gave my account to a friend who played it for a very long time so it’s possible I might not know you. If you do know me however, you would know me from guild called “Last Stand” where i was Mage Officer for pretty much the whole time Vanilla was out. In BC i did lots of PvP and later on joined Risk where i did decent amount of raiding but honestly I do not remember anyone except Option who had an internet radio at a time which i thought was pretty cool. Thats when Pandora was just coming out. World has changed a lot boys!!!

I know a decent amount of people on original Jaedenar server but i primarily looking for 3 people (plus Fezzy Gnome Mage, you crazy bastard I love you haha). Callierae or Kallierae (cant remember how to spell it) female Human Priest. Would be nice to know how Starburst (NE Priest) or Ash (NE Rogue) are doing as well. Things got sour with me and Ash at the end but dude that was a long time ago, hope you doing well.

Will be playing on Pacific PvP, Whitemane most likely for Horde. So I’ll see yall on another side!

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Awww yeah !! You remember OPTION RADIO <3

I remember you!

I shot you a friend invite on bnet.

Yari, Human Warlock
Played with E X I L E and Hatred in Vanilla

In TBC, I also played on Choo, a Draenei Shaman

Hi Nai! Lot of familiar names in this thread.

I managed to hold on to the hard drive with all my vanilla screenshots. If anyone I raided with is looking for the names of old guild mates or some of the raid kill shots, feel free to hit me up.

Discord: Chookaka#5463
BNTag: Chookaka#1530

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hey add me on bnet @ BigMcLrghuge #1566

I used to help run HATRED website with Koala so I have lots of boss shots if anyone is interested.


Back @ you

Thalnos most likely… or faerlina.

Some of the popular streamers have agreed to not roll on Thalnos so that’s a front runner.

I remember you from E X I L E, Yari! Do you still have early MC/Onyxia shots? I used to have videos and tons of screenshots of E X I L E raid kills, but all my early wow stuff got deleted ;_;

Added! My god it’s been awhile