Jaedenar Alliance Reconnections

Consumed was better than cron

Consumed could be before (or after?) my time, the name doesn’t sound familiar at all - Just asked Impello also and he has no idea also. CDizzle was scarab lord and certainly the most notorious player on the alliance. For me and my guildie friends anyway. I remember seeing her flying at 70 when i was around level 64 just after TBC hit - But my most fond memory was during the last few weeks of Vanilla and Risk was running MC Pugs. Cron gifted me a Spinal Reaper and it was one of the best memories I have in WoW to this day! Thanks for sharing your memories too! For us however, no one even came close to CDizzle in terms of infamy. I’m sure others have just as compelling of a tale about Consumed though! :slight_smile:

Awesome, glad to know I flipped some bits on your shelf

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were you in e x i l e in vanilla?

Leader of fierce the guild that realm first all of vanilla. Risk was around after the disband. Second most epic guild after the knights of johnn

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re: Bugnam Jaedenar server blade. That is very cool! Thanks for sharing.

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Did you also have a Reeper Lock?

Frostina, Gnome Frost Mage
Looking for: Koala, Forror, Brewmaster, Shadowraider, Shorty, Reeper, OwlBear, Firedragon, Suzushiro, Garrand, Reconcile
Also raided with: E X I L E
BlizzardTag: LizCooper#11254

lol no but i do remember that name

R U Krimson?

Ferrodar, the level 55 noob resto druid in MC
BT: Xeph#1618 if you’re tryna get the guild back together

Seeing so many familiar faces here!

I’m gonna throw out some names I can remember from the old days -

Repper (I SEE YOU!)
Vik’s wife, the priest, can’t remember her name, started with an A

I miss raiding with you all!

Double Cenarion baby

No. I’m cathorist although I have krimson on Facebook

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man I remember you! You gave me a hell of a time dueling outside ironforge.

I’m Ragz, Human Warlock of Risk :3

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Cythwral - Holy Pally from Vanilla through WotLK
Buckshot - just another huntard

Ran with Nubstars post Vanilla. If anyone knows Mackers or Hugmeimshort have em hit me up!

@Aoiree: Glad I see a name I recognize!

Bnet tag: Three6Remix#1520

All the times i’ve seen you on this forum and never new it was you Tubs! This is Tethmes/Zippy from Digital Alchemists (in LK days) if you remember me.

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Oh, wow that’s awesome! Yes, I do remember! I totally forgot about that guild until you said something!

Tethmes#1322 if you wanna catch up. I’m restarting DA in classic as well if you haven’t already found a home.

Thanks for the bit of history! Defiantly before my time then. I was young and in E X I L E - not the most powerhouse of guilds at the time, but a solid group of people! Thanks again for sharing your memories :slight_smile:

Glad you like it!