Ivus the Decayed loot lock is bugged, Horde are able to exploit and farm gear from the new world boss

hall monitors, lol.

I just tried this boss again and was still not able to bonus roll. So it’s bugged one way for some people and another way for others.

probably their plan tbh
release a boss with “exploit” dangling around
people touch the dangling exploit
ban them


They used to Ban IP’s but stopped. They felt like… Making players start over again is a bigger punishment than then actual ban. And even then, they are hard pressed to outright ban an account. Maybe a few days suspension before they drop the ban hammer. :rainbow:

i’m sure blizzard will get right on it and it’ll be fixed by the time the alliance World Boss is up…


Oh come on, you cannot possibly find it justifiable to say that someone who is knowingly taking advantage of a bug is the victim here.

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Do I count as one of those exploiters? Because to be honest, I didn’t know this was a thing. I personally thought my bonus roll was broken… let me explain.

I killed Ivus, the bonus roll prompt never popped up for me (which I assumed was a bug) So I killed him a 2nd time, THIS time the prompt popped up. I bonus rolled, got a piece I needed, then left. Does this count as using this exploit?

a) didn’t know there was an exploit
b) the bug prompted me to look on kill #2, not on kill #1

You should be the one that is welcomed to real life; People make mistakes, learn to live with that, bugs exist, they are addressed and life still continues (big surprise huh), people certainly have more important things to worry about that complaining about a bug in a video game over and over and over again.

I fail to see how this affects your gameplay in any way, are you a mythic raider rushing to get to the world first when the new raid is open? Didnt think so…cause other than that this has zero impact on your gameplay.

Btw in case you didnt notice this already happened when the arathi highlands wf was opened (alliance started with control of that) and you didnt see everyone making a big deal out of it.

I do agree that reporting the bug is important but that is certainly not your intention as you mentioned in one of your previous posts, you just love to laugh about people making mistakes and the possibility of players getting banned. You are not being helpful or considerate, you are just spreading your toxicity.

Try enjoying this for what it is: a game.

Welcome to real life.

Well, now he’s bugged and doesn’t give loot or bonus rolls out at all. Or at least didn’t for me and my friend.

I’d rather other people get multiple bonus chances than me never getting any bonus chance at all.

So, what if I had no clue about the boss loot bug, killed it once and forgot rerolls. Hearthed back for rolls and did it again but got extra loot. Is that my fault that the boss isn’t working properly?

Cause you abused at it…

Ive never even gotten loot from ivus how did I abuse it lol

It’s like Blizz doesn’t even take pride in their product anymore. Some people can spam rerolls, while I never got the option to bonus roll once.

@Funflex The exploit wasn’t just kill him again and get loot again, you had to go out of your way to do it. So the players exploiting Ivus were knowingly exploiting the game, if someone went and did it 2 or 3 times then Blizzard could understand that it was an accident. But when someone does the boss constantly to get every piece of gear they need from the boss in like 20 minutes, then it becomes a problem/exploit when World Bosses obviously can only be done once per lock out. Blizzard isn’t stupid, they can tell when someone exploits and when something is an accident. Just because you’re ignorant if you break the law you still get punished, which is why people say “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. With how defensive a see people getting on here I’m guessing the ones getting defensive did the exploit and don’t want to get suspended and are offering to give the items back instead so they don’t get in trouble. If you don’t like how the ToS works due to bugs/glitches the game gets (which by the way happens in all games) then you don’t have to play they game that you have such a problem with.