Ivus the Decayed loot lock is bugged, Horde are able to exploit and farm gear from the new world boss

Yes. Why, if your kid know it should eat only one cookie (Because we all know we have only one shot at any WB and one bonus roll, no exception) and then they eat 10 cookies you will not say “Since you did not respect what I said, you will not have more cookies this month. If you respected, you would have the cookie you love like always. You need to learn.”

Just because the cookie jar is not hidden it does not mean they should go ahead and eat everything. Even if you’re kid. If you see that one employee let the register open you would simple go ahead and grab all their cash? Since it’s open, someone else fault, not yours.

The law states I cant take money unless it is abandoned, a cash register is not abandoned.
nobody told me I was not allowed to kill a world boss more than once.

Yes, you can kill it more then once, but getting loot from it more the once should be a nice big red flag that somethings wrong. If you keep going at that point, it’s on you.

The Blizzard’s Code of Conduct tells you should not exploit one bug. Everyone agree with that when installing the game and making an account.

Okay but this is new content
should I not explore darkshore and go around and kill stuff?
sorry for killing the world boss more than once, I received zero loot on my loot and bonus roll.
I should be banned? lol okay… then ill quit then because that’s wrong.

I was 0 for 8 or something like that. 8 characters no loot from it, I dont bonus roll.

Lol, that’s not what I said at all. I said you can kill it more then once, that’s all well and good. It’s supposed to be killable. The issue is once you’ve gotten loot, and continue to use it to get more, then it becomes an exploit. If you can’t understand that, then there’s not much hope for you.

It’s not up to me if you should or not be soft banned. Blizzard is the one that will judge what’s passive of punishment or not. I actually grabed a trinket on my Horde toon (lucky me), but if I did not get anything I would just turn around and go kill the rares. I did not get anything from any rares but that one fire elemental. If there was a bug where I could kill everything again, I would not do it. It’s a bug, I agreed on not exploit it.

I feel bad for the guy who helped out guildies or friends, logs out, and logs back in, friend B or friend C asks “hey wanna help me poke the world boss” ? gets loot somehow, due to blizzards error, and should now be banned?
yeah ban that guy for helping out his friend.

Don’t be obtuse. You’ve always been able to kill world bosses repeatedly, you’ve never been able to bonus roll more than once per week (or once per cycle in the case of Warfronts).

I’m pretty sure they won’t crack down on people who killed him multiple times, but didn’t use bonus rolls… but really, what would’ve been the point of that anyways? Once you’ve killed him and used a bonus roll, there’s literally no point to kill him again.

The most you’d be able to bonus roll would be 7 times anyways, so although it’s not right to exploit it, it’s not like they’re guaranteed loot with each bonus roll, nor is an endless loop of killing/rolling.

And so what if they did not know bonus roll is limited to one ?
should they be banned for clicking the dice when it shows up on their screen.

it benefits horde? Probably intended.


Pretty sure I could kill him a dozen times and he’d still not cough up any loot. I didn’t even get the bonus roll box to pop up so maybe it’s not a thing anymore?

they probably disabled rolling on him until its fixed.
if only they had something like private testing and then public testing to fix these problems.

There it is! I thought no one would make this joke, it actually did take some time :open_mouth:

If only there were millions of people testing the PTR instead of thousands. It makes a big difference when you have the entire playerbase participating, versus a small minority.

What about people like me who killed the boss and didn’t get a chance to do a bonus roll for some reason?

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You suffer because blizzard released ONE boss this patch and ONE boss didn’t function correctly.

The thousands and thousands I saw spamming him should also all be banned because of blizzards mistake.

Neither does a Ban. They can simply go repurchase the entire game and be back in about a week. :rainbow:

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