Ive spent $1000 on tokens for gdkps

i spent $0 on WoW tokens for GDKPs on Wrath Classic and i have 3 lvl 80 characters around ~5150 gearscore. But I do win other people’s gold from the GDKP by participating in the raid. I then use it later, but its not hundreds of thousands of gold that I earn.

I get why theres so much anger towards me. $1000 is alot of money to many of yall. To me its 1/5th of my monthly paycheck so it does not break my wallet at all. So in reality $1000 to me is like spending $5000+ plus to people less fortunate. Like how $100 to a ten year old feels like having $500. I like spending my money on pixels, i did 2 gdkps and am almost complete BIS now. I just need Deaths Choice and that 1 ring for my ret pally.


What are you gonna do with the gear?

wait for icc

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I dunno… Folks seem to have a lot more money to spend on this game than they used to. I know several who have several accounts with high level toons to be craft cool down mules. While I’m not interested in dumping money into this game, $1000 in tokens is easily doable.

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The OP was written 68 days after the release of wow token, and $1000 worth of tokens is of course 50 tokens. On average that works out to 1 token every 32 hours… way to rich for my blood

I make good money so it didnt hit me hard at all dropping that amount. Problem is because its a good paying job, i get less time to raid. To me is Time vs money in game. If i can achieve the same result in 2 gdkps vs 20 2 hour raids, then I think its money worth spend. When you already have a gs of 5600, you are also highly sought after, as long as you know the fights

So fill me in here, let’s pretend this is true, you play a game to do raids. But instead of actually playing them you pay to get carried through. So you get fully geared then what?

I just don’t understand the fun behind like paying to be put in a backpack while someone else hikes Everest? Just so you can say you were there?

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I’d never blow that kind of money on this game. But, I could if I wanted to. Hell, I know some people spend that much on partying over a weekend.


This is either just a troll thread or a thread from someone (with a family as per what was said) bragging about spending 20% of their monthly take-home pay on WoW.

I don’t care what people spend their money on but either way, it’s weird.


Why not post on your main and have every gdkp begging for you to join them

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And questionable taste as well.

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“I have a job and a family and don’t have time to play games so I’m going to pay real money to get carried and have the gear so I don’t have to play the game”

Got it


Lmao, question would be, are you really a whale by spending 1000 dollars on wow tokens, what would that get you like 200k? that is what i got and i havent got any token.

once you have several gold capped chars by doing wow token then we can talk about being a “whale”

It’s best to just not pocket watch what someone else is spending $ on. That is just the worst thing to waste potential brain power on.

Don’t worry what the next man/woman is doing. You do you, or something like that…

Lol. That is truly sad


Congratulations, you are the whale acti-buzzard aims for. The bots, the token, gdkps, and even the absence of RDF…has the underlying motive of fishing for whales.

If, people had not played the game…it would be a different game. But, that is not human nature.

Can say I blame anyone…for doing what they feel they gotta do. Just keep in mind, playing into it, makes game companies do more of it.

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Thats embarassing i wouldnt announce that. 1k real life money… gd lol.

You have to remember, $1000 to some is the equivalent of $1 to others. I don’t like GKDP, or boosting services in general, but why waste your thoughts being concerned whay other people spend their money on.

If you have a family and kids etc, wouldn’t that $1000s be better spent on them, rather than something that’s going to probably not exist in a year or two.

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