i spent $0 on WoW tokens for GDKPs on Wrath Classic and i have 3 lvl 80 characters around ~5150 gearscore. But I do win other people’s gold from the GDKP by participating in the raid. I then use it later, but its not hundreds of thousands of gold that I earn.
I get why theres so much anger towards me. $1000 is alot of money to many of yall. To me its 1/5th of my monthly paycheck so it does not break my wallet at all. So in reality $1000 to me is like spending $5000+ plus to people less fortunate. Like how $100 to a ten year old feels like having $500. I like spending my money on pixels, i did 2 gdkps and am almost complete BIS now. I just need Deaths Choice and that 1 ring for my ret pally.
What are you gonna do with the gear?
wait for icc
I dunno… Folks seem to have a lot more money to spend on this game than they used to. I know several who have several accounts with high level toons to be craft cool down mules. While I’m not interested in dumping money into this game, $1000 in tokens is easily doable.

I dunno… Folks seem to have a lot more money to spend on this game than they used to. I know several who have several accounts with high level toons to be craft cool down mules. While I’m not interested in dumping money into this game, $1000 in tokens is easily doable.
The OP was written 68 days after the release of wow token, and $1000 worth of tokens is of course 50 tokens. On average that works out to 1 token every 32 hours… way to rich for my blood
I make good money so it didnt hit me hard at all dropping that amount. Problem is because its a good paying job, i get less time to raid. To me is Time vs money in game. If i can achieve the same result in 2 gdkps vs 20 2 hour raids, then I think its money worth spend. When you already have a gs of 5600, you are also highly sought after, as long as you know the fights
So fill me in here, let’s pretend this is true, you play a game to do raids. But instead of actually playing them you pay to get carried through. So you get fully geared then what?
I just don’t understand the fun behind like paying to be put in a backpack while someone else hikes Everest? Just so you can say you were there?

way to rich for my blood
I’d never blow that kind of money on this game. But, I could if I wanted to. Hell, I know some people spend that much on partying over a weekend.
This is either just a troll thread or a thread from someone (with a family as per what was said) bragging about spending 20% of their monthly take-home pay on WoW.
I don’t care what people spend their money on but either way, it’s weird.
Why not post on your main and have every gdkp begging for you to join them

And dude ive spend $2k on genshin impact and $1.5k on honkai star rail. I have a budget for my gaming.
And questionable taste as well.
“I have a job and a family and don’t have time to play games so I’m going to pay real money to get carried and have the gear so I don’t have to play the game”
Got it

like me whaling on gear using wow tokens
Lmao, question would be, are you really a whale by spending 1000 dollars on wow tokens, what would that get you like 200k? that is what i got and i havent got any token.
once you have several gold capped chars by doing wow token then we can talk about being a “whale”
It’s best to just not pocket watch what someone else is spending $ on. That is just the worst thing to waste potential brain power on.
Don’t worry what the next man/woman is doing. You do you, or something like that…

And dude ive spend $2k on genshin impact and $1.5k on honkai star rail. I have a budget for my gaming.
Lol. That is truly sad
Congratulations, you are the whale acti-buzzard aims for. The bots, the token, gdkps, and even the absence of RDF…has the underlying motive of fishing for whales.
If, people had not played the game…it would be a different game. But, that is not human nature.
Can say I blame anyone…for doing what they feel they gotta do. Just keep in mind, playing into it, makes game companies do more of it.
Thats embarassing i wouldnt announce that. 1k real life money… gd lol.
You have to remember, $1000 to some is the equivalent of $1 to others. I don’t like GKDP, or boosting services in general, but why waste your thoughts being concerned whay other people spend their money on.
If you have a family and kids etc, wouldn’t that $1000s be better spent on them, rather than something that’s going to probably not exist in a year or two.