Ive spent $1000 on tokens for gdkps

Personally, i have nothing against actual whales going full shamu if they want to commit IRL resources in order to get ahead… the real issue is letting players amass gold without any commitment via bots and then breaking the game by out resourcing everyone without having to sacrifice time or IRL resources. People accumulating gold without actually playing the game IMO is really whats the biggest issue in this game.

Youre spare parts bud

1k for a hobby isn’t much. I spend nearly many thousands a year on hobbies. I’m not saying I think it’s okay to buy your way through the game but I am saying that 1k isn’t much for a hobby.

There’s a difference. If I spend 1k on gear then that is something I A: need to engage in the hobby and B: will last me for years to come… And even if it’s consumable you still have something for your efforts. I easily spend thousands on green fees over the course of a year, but you’re paying for the experience.

Paying for video game loot is almost the opposite… You’re paying to circumvent the experience in order to gain something that will have zero value in a few months. It’d be like paying 2x the green fee for Pebble Beach just so I can brag about having played there without actually playing the course… while knowing in a few months they’ll be letting everyone play for free anyway.


I don’t see it for this. But well it’s like I have an 18mm zeiss lens I think I picked up on sale at $1200. Many would not see the need for that either.

Since not all go that hardcore into wide angle shooting. Now a landscape photographer would go yeah…that make sense if you had spare money you saved up. I did. This was a good long save up period buy for me.

While I don’t see this buy…I cna’t judge. All I’d say is if it makes one happy to do this…well be happy with it lol.

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A thousand bucks isn’t a lot of money.

I can understand questioning someone’s expenses, but a lot of you are just outting yourselves as brokies.

Honestly who cares how people spend there money. If they earned it then it is theirs to do with as they please.

Gigachad. Dab on the filthy poors and basement dwellers who think playing the game is winning. You’re conquering Azeroth with your wallet and all anyone else can do is cope and seethe.

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Honestly, $1000 is nothing in video games these days. Heck, people spend that much on Fortnite skins & don’t even get me started on mobile games. Besides, I know people who smoke several packs a day at 10 bucks a pop…

Idk, to me spending $1000 on a video game is a lot less harmless of an addiction, not to mention cheaper if that’s all he spent. I really don’t know why people are so concerned with what others spend their money on anyway.

I once posted my Blizz transactions to the forums here. Cuz I paid 60 dollars per toon to boost over 250 toons back when I used to multibox. But Blizz got rid of MB so I barely give them any money anymore. Other people can give them money. You can look at your Blizz transactions and post them here, dont need bank statements as proof.

Very possible OP spent 1k USD on WoW tokens. I max out on them quite often.

BUT. A retail poster in Classic threads who just began posting a week ago…not taking their word for fact.

A TL;DR for this thread is that OP is trying to say he wants GDKP to go away.

Are you using your 401k money, boomer?

The irony of retailers saying this is…it did go away.

And its called…carry. and its not even for gear really. Group loot even limits some flexibility. Its not the full lock down of personal loot. BUt its not open season of master loot either

Its more to fix raiderio score, speed up AoTC, CE, etc lol.

Basically…someone will find a way to take some gold in for a service.

And people will pay that gold.

The cycle that never ends really.

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You can only buy 36 tokens per fiscal year per unique ID, you would need numerous unconnected accounts to buy $1000 a year in tokens.

They are supporting it because you spent $1000.

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Tell that to people who play blatant P2W games like raid shadow legends. It’s hard to fathom, but these people exist.

Probably not in WoW though. The people who drop thousands of dollars on these types of games play games where credit cards dominate, and while you certainly can pay your way to BiS in WoW reality is full BiS can’t unconditionally carry you to victory against other players like it can in those games.

There are probably some very poorly financially managing people doing this, but some of them are also just raking in stupid amounts of money and use it as their form of entertainment.

I once read an article where the a whale said he spend something like 2 grand a month on silly P2W type games for his entertainment and he justified it because if he went back to his night life antics he’d spend more than that.

Also bear in mind that remote jobs are more popular than ever. Some people are picking up these jobs in low cost areas while getting paid an east/west coast level of salary for it which puts them far above the average pay for their area.

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Wow token+ GDKP = pay to win


Sub cost $15 + Raid lead gave me death’s choice in loot council = pay to win

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WoW tokens made GDKP possible. I remember in our old system that had the same basic concept, the gold pool was not near as large and I honestly dont even think as many as a tenth as many were doing it as are doing it now.

Well I guess I’m of to go level up my paladin in Wrath.

Gdkp is fine but when you have the option to buy as much gold as you want, it becomes pay to win.

I’m perfectly ok with gdkp if the gold was earned legitimately (I don’t participate in them myself).

Wow tokens caused the price of…everything to skyrocket even worse than the gold sellers did. It was a money grab by blizz, pure and simple.


OP says he spent $1000, I believe him. You people forget Diablo Immortal exists? If people have the money, they’ll spend it, whether they’re spending money they shouldn’t spend or money they can clearly spend because it doesn’t make a dent, You can’t possibly sit there and say people haven’t spent thousands on tokens, I know a few people who can, and they do GDKP’s, I’ve been to a couple myself and wonder just how some people bid on items like heroic DV or the trinket off anub for 100k+…hmm…