yes…thousands of players are buying tokens from blizzard shop, (that’s demand on gold) which makes gold gain value therefore token sell for very low amount of gold.
if many people buy tokens form auction then gold will lose value and token will sell for higher amount of gold.
-currently in NA the base price for token was 10k “that’s what blizzard decided for the first token ever existed” but the exchange rate for it went down to 4k because there are huge supply of tokens being bought from blizzard shop vs lower demand on token from AH, it’s so believable that many Many players already paid +1k $ On tokens you’re just too poor to ever comprehend that.
It does when not many people are buying them, low supply for a low demand item doesn’t mean the price is high.
More importantly the tokens don’t work like real items anyways, they’re always available to buy for RL money regardless of how many people are paying gold for them. And They’re always available to buy for gold even if noone is paying RL money for them. Blizzard has a black box algorithm that determines the current gold value of the token which partly factors in how many people are buying them with gold, when less people are buying with gold the gold cost goes down.
this is wrong, unless someone has them posted, you can’t buy them, when they first came out people thought 10k was extremely cheap and they’d spike so they bought them out, when i went to buy one, i got a mail refunding my gold and telling me the ah ran out of stock
Depends on what price u r talking about. To buy the wow token from the shop it is 20 dollars. It doesnt fluctuate. It stays at 20.
The token on the ah does fluctuate. When it gets low, nobody wants to spend 20 dollars for a little bit of in game gold. When it originally came out it sold for almost 12k. Many ppl bought them from the shop because 12k was worth 20 dollars. That drove the price down. Because not enough ppl in game were willing to spend 12k for 1 month sub.
When ppl start buying all the tokens from the ah that drives the price up. Not enough ppl are supplying them for 4k. When the price keeps going up, then some ppl that wouldnt waste 20 dollars see that they are worth more so they buy.
the price has dropped from 12k to 4k by your own post, reiterating my point that there are too many people like the op buying them and not enough people buying them for gold to cover that supply, that’s why they dropped so fast to 4k
That might have just been the system setting it’s base lines.
Regardless they are not normal auctions, there’s a huge black box that determines the pricing as well as availability, and of course blizzard is highly incentivized to make sure they are always available.
The real problem is they are gonna release Cataclysm and that 1000 you spent will be worth nothing as everyone will be forced into it like TBC to WOTLK
It’s not about keeping the item forever. It’s about the use you will get out if it.
If you are going to wear it for a few months, increasing your effectiveness in raids, is it worth it to you? Many people answer yes. (The gold cost of the item, not buying tokens like a derp.)
Is that a question? Im disabled and in rehab for a full reverse ball and cup shoulder replacement, Im comfortable and have better things than pixels to spend what little money is left over after essentials. Honestly consumption bores me and I find that the challenge of building something is far more rewarding than just buying something premade. I get the vibe you subscribe to the " pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality and not realise its satire and not possible unless you defy gravity.
I’d…actually go to have a camera shooting spree. Some cool spots nearby. even nearby Deserts can have a cool beauty to them.
Shame I wasn’t into photography when I was stationed for a year at 29 palms (a Marine corps base in a cali dessert). I’d have more than memories of say Joshua tree park.
And then I’d play “quarter” slots for giggles. catch a show, enjoy the buffets.
I’ve had many vices, ngl, gambling wasn’t one of them. BAck when I went to atlantic city I called it a good day with I won enough to cover gas, tolls, and the buffet for me and the wife. $0.00 was lost the whole day…cool.
Blizzard is predatory for monetizing the most degenerate behavior while ignoring simple bug fixes and bots
All of the above is true. Blizzard is wrong for being predatory. You are wrong for enabling this behavior. The people that drop real money on getting items in a game made for nostalgia’s sake are cringe. Neither Blizzard’s behavior or the whale’s behavior should be celebrated or encouraged.