Yep. Okay they paid. lets see a historical parse run down. show us what $1000 gets ya! I’d be interested to see that. Many would.
Remnant from my car days. If one pays $1000 for a standalone engine/fuel management system with tuning…show us what it does. And not on a dyno. Sims are there to show theoreticals.
More people than you think. I have a friend that money is no object so he buys tokens and fully decks himself out in boe epics. In bfa his corruption armor cost him like 20 mill gold and it was all boe.
Im poor so 1000 is alot of money to me, but at the same time, I dont need money as much as others, you spend 10k on a motor to have someone else do the work that takes me 2k to do. Same thing with the game, peeps are lazy and unskilled so they have to pay someone else to make up for it.
This right here, this shows its not a blizzard problem, its not a guild problem, this is straight you problem. No one is forcing you to spend the money on virtual items. To be honest, you should seek help.
You say you hate the this system, yet you voluntarily joined a guild group using this system. I dont play lk, aside from nostalgia there isnt much fun for me there when i already know all the fights routes etc, but im pretty sure there is guilds or comunities that do not use tgis system, at which point you chose this system so you can buy the gear.
Theres the issue, when i was in the military, i went to vegas once. Pulled 200 cash left wallet and everything money related behind. Went to a liw tier casino after couple hours i left with 3k.
Of course the clubs and bars are going to be expensive, its a damn tourist trap there and all the bars are set up to steal as much money as fast as posible.
Absolutely on-brand response from the forums. “Doxx yourself and your IRL finances or it didn’t happen”. It’s EXTREMELY curious how defensive people are getting about someone admitting to what everyone knows is happening: whales buying insane amounts of gold and flooding the system with it via GDKPs. It’s EXTREMELY curious why people don’t want the community to accept that this happens, and likely on an insane scale.
Idk, I get the impression reading this thread that quite a few people weirdly seem to care that this happens and are getting even more weirdly defensive about denying it. There’s natural skepticism, and then there’s the obvious, overcompensating level of skepticism and demand of proof seen in this thread from people who are likely doing the same thing as OP. Even the bot apologists aren’t this bad.
as evidenced by the crashing prices of wow tokens on na servers, someone is buying them and they are buying them in large quantity, the only answer leads to gdkp, there’s no reason that the op’s story can’t be true
Maybe stop doing that. Instant gratification in the wow-world is going to seriously harm your ability to get any gratification in real life if you keep spending.