Ive spent $1000 on tokens for gdkps

I never said they were mentally unstable because I disagreed with them…
Oh, and let’s make sure you fully understand I said the word possibly… or did you want to gloss over that to help prove your point that has no point?

You sure love to take a word and twist it out of context, wordsmith it and put i t back into something that suites your own needs.

:no_bell: :mute:

This you, bro?

You can try and hide behind the word “possibly” all you like, that doesn’t change what you said. Hedge words aren’t a defense, they’re an excuse. Then again given how quickly you apparently blocked me if that’s what I’m supposed to assume those emojis are for, I shouldn’t be surprised at your unwillingness to own up to what you’ve said


ITT people objecting to others spending too much money on the game while completely disregarding the fact they have possibly invested years of their lives playing it.

Time is money friend.

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This is an example where simple logic prevents you from calling him a liar. You just ignore him and keep walking, similar to how you’d respond to a hobo yelling fire and brimstone in the streets, predicting the end of the world unless you buy his talismans. There is no way to prove or disprove his claims. At the same time, what he’s claiming is too idiotic to waste a second on. I mean if the world were indeed coming to an end, you’d have better things to do with your time than sit there arguing with the clown or trying to prove/disprove his claim.

In this case, there might actually be someone dumb enough to do what he claims to do, who also survived to adulthood and produced viable offspring under such great adversity, and also decided to publicize his stupidity. The joint probability of these events may be infinitesimal, but unfortunately it’s not zero.

you can only buy 36 tokens I am pretty sure so you would have like 180k gold and thats only 720 dollar.

Also thats not whaling thats just throwing excuses for you trying to play a game that doesnt suit your lifestyle.

Wonder if she ever tried chocolate toilet paper.

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But imagine doing that when half that $$$ could get you more gold thats what blows my mind about op.

Wow, way to broadcast your stupidity, and here I am gearing up our guilds ret pally for free. Heck we even gave him death’s choice last week.

Aren’t tokens capped?

I guess you could have another account tho.

Seems like phishing tho and also seems fake.

Still waiting for OP to post SS.
This is what it would look like if he was legit:


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People spent and apparently still spend money on HotS?

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My HOTS stuff? That’s free stuff. Gold and shards. Not plaid currency.

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You’re here admitting you’re well, not the brightest bulb. I don’t see how this is a Blizzard problem, admitting YOU have a problem.

Bro is literally the reason the problem exists in the first place.

Then you should stop playing games.

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Honestly, it all comes down to time management.
Most guilds raid twice a week. 2 nights. NIGHTS! Get all your stuff done prior to that.

Today is a saturday. I did front yard trim and pulled weeds. Bought extra little cute fence thing to put around the path so that my red mulch doesn’t get washed off again from rain. Late afternoon, I did Rust off Stain Remover thing on my fence (and it worked like a charm holy molly) and went to a grocery store and picked up poke bowl on the way back.

Tomorrow night i’m raiding. So I will finsih up all indoor cleaning in the afternoon.
My “daily” log is really only daily dungeon on 2 toons.

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More like one fun night. I went to a club there and we had a $2400 tab just from that one spot

All the people thinking $1000 is some unbelievable number, lol

Not hard to believe someone bought max tokens 3 weeks in a row

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thank you for supporting the company.

For $1000 I bought all the fish tanks in my fish room. Thats 27.


Who cares, do what you want with your money. Not sure why you’re here posting about it.