I tried playing something other than DPS and I’ve just run out of macro slots. I deleted one or two of my general macros that i don’t use often and even tried doubling up some using the [spec] conditionals. Its enough of a hot mess that i’ve abandoned trying to become a healer.
I don’t understand why blizz hasn’t increased the number of macros and the 255 character limit.
I imagine its only going to get worse with SL. 
I play three healers and have mouse-over macros for each heal, and I still have plenty of macro slots available. I reserve the character-specific macro slots for DPS macros. I’m not sure how you are running out.
Try Clique add-on for your healer. Use it for your basic mouseover spells and keep the macros for the more sophisticated stuff.
The game gives us a ludicrous number of macro slots. You don’t need a macro for everything.
Clique and barmods like Bartender can give mouseover functionality without requiring the use of mouseover macros.
You can also do this:
Spoiler: Normal people use macros
My guess is they are talking about the Character specific slots. I easily burn through those as a healer and slide into the “General” section to add the remaining.
Are you making 3 macro for each healing spell or what?
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Yeah there’s not a lot of reason to make mouseover macros when addons can do it for you. I’ve broken that rule a bit for a few abilities, but it’s really rare.
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Please don’t tell me you haven’t figured out how to make /alt, shift etc macros? It saves on a TON of keybind space and button space.
All you have to do is unbind the default buttons to use them:
/castsequence [nomod] Spell name
/castsequence [mod:alt] Spell name
/castsequence [mod:shift] Spell Name
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Spell Name
This also works for things like hearthstones and mounts.
There’s also:
#showtooltip Spell Name
/targetenemy [noexists, noharm,dead]
/stopmacro [noexists, noharm, dead]
/cast Spell name (even works with locks)
If You’re healing, Vuhdo is not a bad thing to have.
I’ve mained this one during a time when we had a million cooldowns as healers. I also mained a hunter for years. Learn how to utilize macro’s and button space (as well as screen space).
Bartender is also nice to have so you don’t feel like you absolutely need to fill every single bar.
Take a look at the add-on Mega Macro. It let’s you use longer macros, and re-works things till you get
60 global macros
30 per-class macros
30 per-specialization macros
8 per-character macros
10 per-character per-specialization macros
BACK UP YOUR EXISTING MACROS!!! This add-on mangled some of my existing ones when I installed it, but has been fantastic since then.
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I have 11 main buttons that are easy to access. I reserve some of that for kick’s, self heals, speed, and protection. Now I will always need one extra for whatever “thing” they have me using this expac. Then they always seem to make the baseline 1 - 2 more “babysit me” buttons then my macro system can handle.
I lothe the “babysit me” buttons!
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id like the character slots increased…not too worried about the overall slots.
Maybe double what they are.
I have fishing macros, lol…its not just about combat or healing. its about anything that keeps my keybinds as few as possible.
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Download healbot. Set your keybinds freeeee
9+ heals with just left middle and right click. Then You’ll have the rest of your binds for Cooldowns and dps. You will most definitely become a better healer
Years played: 16
Macros made: 0
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Yeh I have no idea why we have such a tight limit on character specific macros. Druid is the worst consumer of macro slots - 4 specs with 3-4 forms each, plus lots of different heal spells. I also ran out on my priest as I use both heal specs.
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I moved to mouseovers and the default raid frames and name plates. Seems to work pretty well. Left Healbot because it would glitch out from time to time or when people left group or came into the group. Have those problems improved?
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Delete some macros, they are not required.