I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

Ion isnt gonna take the time to make all the new solo content unless he sees theres is enough need / demand for it.

for me, I had gotten geared in LFR in Legion and was just about to work into normals for the first time…and some clown blew his cork at some new players…it was so bad some seasoned players went off on this chump to shut him up.

You can ALWAYS tell the good players from the ones who THINK they are good…or KNOW they suck and pretend otherwise…the good players NEVER feel the need to demean players that arent as good as they are because they have nothing to prove and dont feel threatened, as with some we see in here and in game.

That was the last straw for me. I parked that character and never played it much again.
Started new alts, played my own casual game MY way and actually love the game MUCH more than I did then.
I got better things to do than deal with more petulant children in video game…I get more than enough of that crap in real life.

it will be for me if they try.
Just look at the behavior in here from some. They cant keep their mouths off other who enjoy their game THEIR way…imagine how they behave in game in their precious ‘end’ content. lmao.

Im not dealing with it again…I’ll go play ESO instead.

yeah, housing has HUGE potential for farming crap for it like we do mogs, mounts and pets…

No. You’re confusing entry level with endgame.

No, they exist for progression. The same way that matchmaking content exists to introduce you to endgame.

Bad behavior in match making content isn’t indicative of the rest of the game. I would know. I do it. You should try it.

I’m not elitist. I just don’t farm trivial content as endgame. Telling you that you’re wrong (you are) doesn’t make me elitist. Ascribing titles to me doesn’t make you right (you aren’t.)


“you dont know what you like…I’ll TELL you what you like”
sound like anyone posting in here recently?

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I think this is the misconception. The ilvl doesn’t mean anything to me, I spend most of my time doing content that for all intents and purposes doesn’t even drop gear because it capped out way before the level I actually start enjoying myself.

Gear is a means to an end.

I agree 100%. M+ and the Zoom Zoom crowd are the worst experiences WoW has to offer. I want to enjoy the content and not need a shower after a dungeon. To be fair it’s not all the player’s fault (mostly the tank though when it is) that this increasingly bad Zoom Zoom gameplay exists. The developers made “time” the metric for M+, which I believe is a mistake. The metric should be a point system with points added and subtracted for correct gameplay.

I don’t see this frustratingly selfish toxic inconsiderate gameplay going anywhere (such as: pulling from the entrance to the first boss) so I would love to see more follower dungeon development and Delves.

Because of Delves, I think I’m done with dungeons altogether. Every single one I’ve joined so far (unless I’m tanking) has the tank blasting ahead with not a care in the world but themselves. That is not a dungeon, group play, or even what MMORPG dungeons were built on.


What is correct gameplay, if we can can pull 4 packs at once, handle the mechanics, and have it dead in a timely manner did we not play correctly?

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This should be the number one priority. I resubbed because I saw some valid gearing routes I could solo. But it stops at mythic. Might become a deal breaker as time goes on. Delves and AI dungeons need mythic tracking.

Blizzard is in the right direction, but they need to go all in, for sure.

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You’re chasing something here bud. Repeating the same content over and over again in a themepark MMO gets old fast, you’re grinding for those dopamine hits, just gear isn’t what does it for you.

I’d say players like you are even worse, you trying to fix a hole in your real life with worthless achievements in a video game.

I get the social aspects that tackling hard content creates, but I’d argue you can get that doing anything in many settings online. I would even argue that the more casual raid settings of the past acutally encouraged more socialization, this was very evident playing Classic and SoD. Our guild runs in BFD in phase 1 of SoD were a blast, and it reminded me of the old days quite a bit.

BFD had more parses than all of DF raids combined, lol. That says a lot.

You have always been polite in your discourse over the years, but I think you suffer the same delusions as many of elitist players that inhabit these forums.

Classes are designed around M+, so this is why you see this degenerate speed run mentality in normal content. They need to the class power in order to survive the harsh mechanics in M+. This has a trickle down effect across the entire game.

People say that classes aren’t being designed around M+, but this is just a fallacy. Anyone with a brain can see how powerful players are now.

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Here is the full quote. Please if you are going to quote someone at least use the full sentence. I’m referring to using a point system instead of “time” as a metric for M+. Correct gameplay would or could be: interrupting correct enemy spells, avoiding aoe’s, doing affix’s correctly, not dying, reaching a certain dps threshold on a boss fight, tanks keeping aggro or intercepting damage, healers not allowing anyone to go below 33%. The ideas are endless and would make a really great roundtable discussion.


Or I like playing my character in scenarios where I feel like I have to be able to play my character.

Please don’t make assumptions about my social life and I won’t do the same to you.

The metric should be a point system with points added and subtracted for correct gameplay.

Please don’t take words out of context.

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I asked you how you wish to define correct gameplay in this system. There was no context to take it out of.

If anything I’m asking for context.

And I gave you some examples. Looks like you thought I meant “correct gameplay” under the current “time” system.

I’m saying “time” should not be the metric and “points” should be.


I should probably clarify. “Timely manner” in the case of my comment was not aimed at completing the timer, it was aimed at doing appropriate dps for ilvl on that specific pull and therefor killing the pack without it taking egregiously long.

But what scores points?

What content is in the game where this wouldn’t be the case? Follower dungeons don’t solo the dungeon for you.

Well, your abrasive nature and your extreme fixation on “challenging yourself” in WoW says a lot. Perhaps there is something lacking in your real life that you’re trying to make up for in the game?

As a MMO vet, this is a very common thing I’ve come across from hardcore players.

I have to agree.

People are the worst thing I’ve experienced in this game. Last night I was kicked from a dungeon party for asking for a rez. I did not insult anyone, I did not demand the rez. Right before I hit release to run back myself, I asked the druid who walked past the pathway we needed to use and got lost and obviously couldn’t figure where to go, which is cool cuz it’s all new anyway. Word for word I said, “If you could rez me, I’ll show you where to go” and they said, “No” - their buddy (who is also on my server mind you) said, “leave” and then I was removed from the group.

Okay then, weirdos. And before anyone says “uh huh sure” (cuz I never believe these accounts either) That was literally the only three things said in the entire dungeon.

I’ve played this game for most of it’s existence from the beginning, and if it isn’t hate speech and trolling in public chats, it’s often just being generally unpleasant in private.

Yeah, MOST experiences with people are either good and friendly, or generally just neutral. But when you get these toxic clowns even in leveling dungeons, not just content that people are passionate and competitive about (which even then, that behavior is …ew), then it makes people (or at least me) look for alternatives to group content.

I think blizzard realizes this with the introduction of follower dungeons and delves.

If anything, I’d love to see follower dungeons turned into:

  1. Using my Warband Characters

  2. Difficulty improvements, increased risk/reward - like delves or something.

  3. AI improvements which they are probably working on anyway.

Not only would this provide content for solo players who’d never touch mythic anything for whatever reason, it could give Blizzard more incentive to develop more dungeons to add throughout the expansion than they might otherwise.


The ideas are endless. “playing correctly” with the abilities we have.

For example: interrupts, using them, and being successful. More dangerous enemy casts being interrupted would score more points than interuping a normal cast.

Each role has its point generators and then there are group generators like doing the affix correctly, which will score points. Not doing it, points are subtracted.

I can do this all day. It really is fun trying to think of the ways points are scored and subtracted using the gameplay that is already in place.

Ditch “time” and add “points”. That would be a move in the right direction to resolving this sweaty selfish toxic inconsiderate zoom zoom-style gameplay across the board.


So killing mobs before they cast spells worth interrupting is bad? Or what? How many times can we score points off interrupting the same mob?

I’m sorry to hear this. I had it not this worse but it was also very toxic:

I wanted to do one of the new heroic dungeons for the first time. Nothing happened, I was actually pretty good and kept healing the healer, because the group certainly did not care when they were in an incoming aoe attack.

I was only inside the dungeon to collect three or four candles. I did not pay any attention to it but I wanted to collect at least the very last one after the nightmare boss - or what is supposed to be - in the dungeon. No. After we finished the dungeons and I declined to queue for another dungeon, they kicked me out right when I tried to collect the quest item.


Your faux psychology is super gross.

Farm trivial content and never engage in endgame if you want to, but making jabs at someone’s personal life because of your inability to play at anything other than an entry level is ridiculous.