I've never seen a Mechagnome

i saw a mechagnome recently named mimiron with the death’s demise title and full mecha heritage set

i was incredibly amused, 10/10

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What are there more of, Mechagnomes, or Maghar?
I feel like I see neither in the world.

I personally really like Maghar. At least they didn’t feel plucked out of thin air.

Oh well. At least the Mechagon mounts are all pretty cool.

So the desire for vulpera didnt start when ppl first met them, it was heavily speculated before and the data was suggesting they would be playable.

True, but this speculation was also with Naga, Sethrak and thin humans. Sethrak in particular was speculated for just about as long and races like naga and thin humans also had stuff like unique customization, geosets, places in the race tabs and a bunch of things that would suggest they might be playable, but they didn’t end up playable.

As for playable mecha gnomes think of it like this, its not that the devs intentionally made a race that is undesirable, it was just the players reaction to the race.

I blame this mostly on people hyping up something there wasn’t any certainy that would be playable.

The vulpera hype caravan taught me a lot, some about fanatics and some about blind faith.

The data for vulpera was absolute, the data for sethrak wasnt even close but people pushed for them anyway and got angry when they were told their facts didnt line up.

I was even kicked from the discord once because I didnt believe the sethrak claims and someone said I was going around dissing sethrak or some such, I was invited back later after I made a stink about it and they couldnt find any evidence.

It was an interesting experience and I felt like it taught me about how fanatics are.

Be the same if they were to add Tinker gnomes as well.

Give us a new race to play rather then some offshoot of a current race.

I had nothing personally invested in the snake-men. I wouldn’t play one; I wasn’t overawed by them. But I sympathize with people who wanted them.

Your like 2 years too late to be dying on this sword.

People play and love their mechagnomes, just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have existed.

Get over it.

Actually me and a lot of my friends hated them from the first second we saw them and still do. I’d take mechagnomes over vulpera any day.

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No way, bro. That means actually thinking for one’s self and maybe pulling the head out of the never sunshine area. It’s easier to go (slams ham hand on keyboard) “SOARCES pLS”.

Well uh, I don’t mean to be ‘that guy’ - though some your comments & replies can be pretty rock-on point, Mearles kind of has a point here …

On that note, she’s got way more likes among the community, so although she doesn’t speak for everyone she does speak for many. I’d say she kind of takes the cake this round … Sorry :pancakes:

I was one of the people asking for Mechagnomes. Just not the ones we got.

The people that wanted them are the ones who wanted the robots from Northrend.

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The Furocolypse o.o

Though an event like that does paint a difference between a polarizing race and an unpopular one.

Yeah but dang if they don’t look way better on Fire.

I heard there was a computer virus that wiped them out like high cholesterol did the Kultirans.

Honestly though, Alliance lost out big with Allied Races. Hardly see any MG’s, KT’s, LFD, and only the very occasional DI dwarf.

The data for vulpera was absolute.

Not exactly. Naga, Thin humans and a few other races had unique customizations, player character armor, geosets, unique animations and relevance within the expansion and aren’t playable. Naga even have male and female models with unique rigs and had their models specifically updated in legion. Another thing also is that Nightborne didn’t get player models till the patch they become playable. For all we knew gilgoblins and/or sethrak could have gone the same route and became playable. Things only started to become more definitive when the brewfest icons and the appearance of vulpera as allied races in the code showed up, but prior to that there was so many what if scenarios.

It was an interesting experience and I felt like it taught me about how fanatics are.

I never liked these people. I am aware they are partnered with the Sethrak discord and always came off as extreme fanatic and they were particularly nasty to mechagnome and gilgoblin fans. They wouldn’t just sometimes do things like this to people within that discord, but also would many times try to cancel anyone saying things against their narrative.

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It’s been years since this race was announced, move on and stop acting like they’re some kind of affront to Alliance players. If it means anything, I have two mechagnomes; a warrior and a priest. I don’t play them often, but they are loved.

For story reasons, and because they fit the then-current pattern of allied races being derived from core races. They couldn’t come up with anything new for worgen, so they gave the spotlight to Mekkatorque in Dazar’alor and introduced a whole subrace of gnomes with their own zone and storyline in the following patch. Heaven forbid Blizzard is allowed to choose which races become playable in their own game instead of having to get the playerbase’s permission…

See my note about allied races in BfA being derived from core races. What “cool and desirable” race could the Alliance have gotten? They sure as hell weren’t getting sethrak or some irrelevant NPC race introduced 10+ years ago with a non-player-friendly rig like gnolls, furbolgs, or ethereals anytime soon.

I’ve explained this repeatedly, they weren’t going to rework the entirety of the original gnome model to give them limbs separate from their bodies as a cosmetic option, especially in the middle of an expansion dedicated to adding variants of core races as new ones. The reverse is true, as well; it would be a pain to give the mechagnome model organic limb options, especially with the way transmog works on them.


I for one like Mechagnomes and think Vulpara suck fluffy furball azz.

I like the mechagnomes but lets be real they aren’t actually mechagnomes at all they are like cyborgs. Real mechagnomes would be much more noticeable.

I am not convinced people would like them more if they were full robot mechagnomes. Cyborgs can be cool. From what I’ve seen many people don’t like them cause they wanted something else or just don’t like gnomes to begin with.


The only reason I don’t have one is because I can’t solo the dungeon at the end of the quest chain.

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