I've moved on from this

don’t think it’s possible. you got nightborne now and they’ve got a grudge against tyrande, and void-elf lore (or… what exists of it) says the void would taint/destroy the sunwell- i can’t see them merging the elves together.

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Minature space goats with tusk ?

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I’d be into this since I love baby goats.


Yes, please! :rofl:

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Meanwhile night elves in the game:
After you destroyed Darkshore, Ashenvale, took Azshara, attacked us in Stonetalon Mountain and destroyed Teldrassil, while casually murdering thousands of us… come, have a cup tea in our new village. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There is always one side that pushes for “neutrality”.

Always do certain people want access to the Blood Elves, Silvermoon and even Lordaeron.

I don’t want access to Gilneas, Stormwind, Ironforge or Gnomeregan. I don’t want to take Night Elves away by using Nightborne as justification.

There are reasons the Blood Elves split from the Alliance that I really hope the writers do not downplay. A single Alliance or Kirin Tor banner in our territories would be an immense loss.


I mean, look at what they’ve done to the night elves. After everything the Horde did to them… a neutral town at the edge of the Dragon Isles.
Look at what they’ve done to the Worgen… after the Horde pushed them out of their home and murdered who knows how many… a neutral Gilneas… with a Horde flight point next door.

Why should the Blood Elves get special treatment at this point? Just face it, the story in this game can’t be saved anymore.

i do. :grin:

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The Kirin Tor has new horde and alliance recruits, we can see them in the DF zones

We should of gotten Night Elves as Nightborne as it is, lots of people like to claim they are Night Elves anyway despite the fact you can’t make either race look anything like the other one and the fact Alliance got Blood Elves in the form of Void Elves with almost all of our customizations it would be fair to take Night Elves with almost all of their customizations to have actual Horde Night Elves.


All elves leave their faction to form another faction, I like this idea.

well this same type of thing occurs in games that allow you to grind rep with an enemy race, for example, everquest, which is a 3d mmorpg that predated wow. today you can play an approved emulator in which good alignment and evil alignment races can group and run dungeons and raids together, though the npcs will kos alignment enemies.

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Such a concept, for example, I find sensible. Especially since it allows every faction to play any race. It would also finally put an end to the constant bickering among WoW players.
However, what WoW offers is neither here nor there. The thing with Gilneas and night elf town, for instance, seems quite forced, and it still doesn’t allow the Horde access to playable Night Elves and Worgen.
On the other hand, there isn’t even a counterpart for the Alliance. Following the same logic (helping out), several Horde cities should have become neutral, which hasn’t happened.
The devs handle everything quite haphazardly. :sweat_smile:

We were the original elves in this game… and we should have destroyed more of you. you’re like a bad case of worms that you can’t get rid of.

Eh… I do play on a rp server… the only reason Blizzard still has my subscription, but role-playing in forums isn’t really my thing. :dracthyr_shrug:
I find many decisions of the devs regarding the Night Elves questionable as well if that consoles you.

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I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what’s going to happen in Midnight when azshara returns to attack the sunwell and reclaim all the elves which she believes are rightfully hers.

Horde sucks.
Make them neutral already.

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Listen here.

We will burn down that tree a second time.


Alliance would be dead without Horde and crossfaction get real, most people that play this game play Horde not Alliance so.


detecting care to give
woops looks like I’m out.

Cool, and I’ll continue to hate on everything horde aesthetically lol
I don’t care about the story. I play for dungeons, raids, and pvp.

Also it seems you’re tense. Try settling down and having a coffee. Make a joke, instead of getting hostile. Jesus.