I've moved on from this

LOL Kirby got me :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Haha, I love it, and the spring arm girl he just kicks it. I’m surprised they managed to get Kazyua into Smash and make him work in 2D. All the fighting game devs based in Japan seem like really good friends.

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Not even going to touch on how many elves hit on Orcs.

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What would all elves merged into one look like?

I would imagine a monstrocity.


has a flashback of a Warhammer Skaven patchwork Frankenstein monster unit

Yep, that’s going into my nightmares.


Personally I’d like to see blood elves, void elves and nightborne just split off into our own third faction. But no night elves allowed. We remember what you did.

Third faction. All 5 playable elves.


Really,then there wouldn’t be verity in the game and everyone would just split them back up again. Could we play merry-go round?

I am always surprised at how many suggestions want to discard and/or ruin the core concepts of the game.

I don’t know why. You would think I would be used to it after four years, especially given how Blizzard is busy discarding and/or ruining core concepts of the game.

But no, still surprised.


No compromise! Never say die! Let them eat cake. Remember the
 oh heck, I lost the plot again.

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Honestly, Faction choice should be made after toon creation. Let my Blood Elf be an alliance if she so chose.


On second thought, no Void Elves either. Bunch of race traitors.

But there are no factions if they arent race locked.


Delete Void Elves and Night Elves.

Problem solved. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Not now, but maybe when the features for Midnight hit Blizzcon in a few years.

Why not delete both Void and Blood Elves. Night elves were here first, both canonically and initial WoW release.

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You’d rather have human, orc, troll or undead drama? lol

just rename blood and void into high elves. there, the fight is over.


Pretty much this, from both High Elf and Anti-High Elf sides.


The existence of void elves is anti high elven compromise

“you get the model. you get light skin tones. you just have to deal with slightly different hair”


Oh I’m just I’ve seen plenty on the anti side of things that demanded that Void elves either be removed or have those features removed. Only Blood elves should be allowed the sacred model or something like that.

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