I've moved on from this

blood elves are high elves and high elves are blood elves. the only change is the name we have been over this for over 17 years the change was made during warcraft 3 so that is 22 ish years.

no it would not be reason enough. they are two different kingdoms. its not as if the dalaran high elves didnt also lose loved ones to the scourge. unless veressa is a dread lord, then she lost many loved ones to the scourge. yet she became the leader of the silver covenant and refused to call herself a blood elf. it makes no sense other than garithos lying to the kirin tor and dalaran high elves. can you explain it?

I have explained it though …
Like so, so




yes i know. we are debating why i dont think the dalaran high elves, who would not adopt the blood elf title, refused the name out of some sinister hatred of their kin. they were fooled by garithos

i know they are the same but 2 different kingdoms

you’re saying the reason alliance high elves IN DALARAN wouldnt call themselves blood elves is because…? you wanna explain veressa, while you’re at it?

there is no lore reason given why they are not called blood elves devs forgot so until we have a lore reason they simply are known as traitors who let garithos arrest their king who also just so happens to be one of the leaders of dalaran. no honor among them. my character is a void elf yes but cannonically speaking the playable void elves are blood elves exiled not out of malice but out of safety for them and everyone due to the sunwells new nature having the essence of a naaru( midnight will have something to do with that ) as such the playable void elves cannonically can be any blood elf pre legion. which is what we should embrace.

but he wasnt their king. dalaran is not a city in a vassal state. it was part of the lordaeron kingdom and protected by the military arm of the alliance

he was their king as in the true heir to quel’thalas and dalaran he was a member of the 6 in otherwords the people of dalaran let a millitary general walk into their city arrest one of their 6 leaders to execute him for obvious bs charges which everyone knew was bs and knew he was a human first racist pig.

no they didnt know it was bs because garithos told the alliance the blood elves had joined forces with the naga and to their surprise, it was true, cause here come the naga, killing dalaran guards to jail break kael and company. it was a deception, but the deception was his rationale for pushing them into the situation where the naga would be accepted by them outta desperation. but the people of dalaran dont know about the background details. they only know what they see

execpt the only “high elves” in dalaran at that time were blood elves the silver covenant were part of the draenor expedition pre TBC they came back and the ones. as for the “high elf mages” most of them were in southen areas or away from dalaran or quel’thalas. so any elf who was seen prior to wrath was not in dalaran many did go back to dalaran the mages that is to help rebuild post warcraft 3 and pre wow. this acccounts for every elf who goes by the term high elf that we know of. had they been in dalaran which they werent they to would have been sent to be genocided by garithos. dude didnt just hate elves hated any non human race. see more of his behavior in the founding of the forsaken part of the undead campaign in warcraft 3 frozen throne.

yeah its called World of Warcraft: Midnight

so veressa wasnt in dalaran with her hubby, the human mage rhonin? tell me more

you mean the expansion they may or may not take place at the sunwell which is infused with the heart of a light naaru and more than likely gets recorrupted by void energy by a moron elf known as aleria or rather xalatoth disguised as a void elf. maybee.

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neither was in dalaran at that time if i remember the timeline of the books he wasnt that high rank yet jaina proudmoore was sent away at that tiime as well to hide from the scourge.

eeek. i was not a fan of knifu. say it isnt so

i been around these parts long enough to see the storytelling patterns :man_farmer:t2:

can never say i know for sure on these matters, but im like 99% certain Midnight’s B plot will be about the reunification of the elves, void elf, high elf & blood elf.

PvP is already a non-canonical instance in game of faction fanatics that refuse to let go of war, since we are very much in a peace treaty. And we’ve already seen dwarves unify, humans and vrykul, the orc tribes, the trolls, and many others.

all in all seems very apt that this time it will be the thalassian elves’ turn for that sweet sweet unity for the greater good

well dang, that makes alot more sense. i just assumed they were there cause they were in wrath

embrace the void we have purple tentacles and night elfish lookn skin. but better and superior features.

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no knifu fer me. haha

who said pvp? i want war outright anarchy among the factions with many refusing to ally with their old enemies due to the amount of pain loss suffering either side caused them. but an eternal truce would be a fine one. the faction hatred at this point is 3 generations in.