I've moved on from this

The Shen’dralar are also with the Alliance. They are a highborne group.

This isn’t true. The earliest notation of the races name is Kaldorei in Chronicle. The Shal’dorei changed their name while under the bubble.

Their language has likely shifted just as much as Darnassian has.

Wouldn’t these count as the Darkfallen group? That is a separate grouping of elf at this point, currently referring to undead elves of any kind. (With its own sub groups such as the Banshees, Dark Rangers and San’layn.) While more a sub group on the same grounds as Highborne both groups are separate sub-cultures effectively within the greater elven groups.

I was also confused why she was added specifically…

Just mentioning. lol

I think I’d still include the Shen’dralar for their differing cultural setup, but I’d honestly also suggest that by default there are Quel’dorei among the Horde as well. Blizzard has left that door open for high elves to return to blood elven society and while its true they’d likely just change their name to Blood Elf, they’re still the same thing. Its just a name change there.

Ultimately population or groups differences seems like an odd thing to really bother caring about?

This goes more towards the person you’re quoting. Its just silly.

How about a big fat No’dorei

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They’re all the same, not like they have any interesting culture or anything.

They’re already one mass of annoying and arrogant fools, in game that is.

I’m sure the people that play knife eared humans are great.

unironically one of the best suggestions I’ve ever seen on these forums

Neither did all the Blood Elves. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Not to mention, I hardly see what relevance that has to do with the naming convention.

  • I’ve listed several times the reason for their name change, it has nothing to do with the Naga, Garithos, Outland, demons or whatever new reason you want to present as a strawman.
  • As for the division & decision of the High Elves not embracing the name, I’ve also listed the the schism in waves – which has been presented in several sources of lore.

Yeah, well obviously the ‘High’ elf doesn’t know the full story.

There’s evil or ill-affiliated races in just about EVERY race.

That doesn’t mean the entire race is condemned to serving them or under their sway too.

It happening before or after Garithos means jack squat.

THEY :clap: CHOSE :clap: NOT :clap: TO :clap: BE :clap: NAMED :clap: BLOOD ELVES! :clap:

— Like by the Sunwell, I’ve only said it several times. :grimacing:

The elves of Quel’Thalas named their people ‘Blood Elves’ BEFORE Garithos or this jail break you keep insisting has a higher importance to the namesake, than it actually does.

The name ‘Blood Elves’ has to do with the sacrifice of their people, that had been made defending their homeland and honouring both their heritage, and the spilled blood of their people for their kingdom.

Those who chose not to name had pretty much already spat in the face of the reasoning behind the name-change.

Namesake Speech to be named Blood Elves:

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!”

Seems like YOU seem to be confused with the history, along with various important details.

For a start, they already had the naming ordeal of ‘Blood Elves’ before Garithos or the Naga Jail Break. So mentioning that for the ordeal with the High Elves holds no relevance, otherwise they could have just been named Blood Elves, honouring the core reason behind the name but remained in Dalaran & been affiliated with the Silver Covenant or the Alliance under self-imposed exile regardless.

Now as for the Blood Elves —

Most of them didn’t know their prince had an allegiance with Illidan when he made a pact.

  • Kael’thas alone had beseeched Illidan for a cure to the blood elves’ addiction to magic. Illidan had a different proposal in mind, though: in return for his blood elves’ loyalty, he would teach them to drain magic from powerful alternative sources, including demons. It was an offer Kael’thas felt he had to accept; he was certain many more of his people would die without either a cure or a new source of magic.
  • Kael’thas pledged his allegiance to Illidan, who taught several blood elves the techniques he had offered. These teachings spread to the other blood elves in Outland, who were then able to stave off their painful hunger for arcane magic.
  • The prince sent back a master magus named Rommath and several of his magisters, with a message of hope for the blood elves remaining in Quel’Thalas: That one day Kael’thas would return to lead his people to paradise.
  • Rommath had made great progress in teaching the blood elves advanced techniques to manipulate arcane energies, although unlike their brethren on Outland, the blood elves of Azeroth employed this technique only on mana crystals and small mana-bearing vermin, and attributed these teachings to Kael’thas alone — Most were unaware of their prince’s alliance with Illidan.

Which is literally why even as a playable Blood Elf in ‘Burning Crusade’ you go toe-to-toe with fighting off the forces of Illidan. :smiley:

Given the fact that on Azeroth they were taught the mana-satiation technique on Mana Crystals & small mana bearing vermin only ---- The whole argument of “Kael’Thas demonic magic folly” fitting into the core-schism build up I had listed, is a copout.

Blood Elves & Loyalties

Only an inner-circle of those serving Kael’Thas knew of his loyalties to Illidan, many of which stayed loyal & died with Illidan at the Black Temple (eg. the council) — Others, who were close to Kael’Thas yet not enough to know the totality of his plans & loyalties, had defected from the controversial prince’s mad whims and formed the Scryers.

From the Blood Elves, those that were opposed to Prince Kael’Thas Sunstrider’s actions, plots or otherwise in general — Would join the Scryers, or make their way back to their people.

By the time the Prince’s true loyalties - both past and present; along with his ambitions, Kael’Thas had a short few number of forces from the total amount of his people dedicated to serving him (Still enough however, to pose a significant threat) — Although as we know the majority of the Blood Elves, fought against him … Such is how the reagent lord Lor’Themar went from being a temporary leader, to a permanent one.

  • As for opposing Kael’Thas and his actions — Such is presented at Tempest Keep, Magisters Terrace and unfoiling his plans at the Sunwell Plateau.
  • Opposing Illidan was quite literally the majority of the Burning Crusade expansion. lol

So Ultimately:

I guess you could say there was a second schism upon the Elves of Quel’Thalas.

  • The First — with the naming convention with the three waves I listed earlier in this thread.
  • The Second — was loyalties dedicated to their leadership and the actions they would take, along with that which pressed on later.

Obviously however, all this had nothing to do with the name ‘Blood Elves’ or why they had chosen the name: So both sides of the division had the classification.


Hell no, not after two of them were involved in the burning of Teldrassil and the deaths of the civilian population caught within.

It’s already public evidence that almost all the soldiers of the Horde there had no intention of burning it, many of which were actually appalled by it — Such as the Horde soldiers that captured the Alliance ships on the ocean.

Not to mention, this is the same Horde that helped save the souls of said-civilian population & helped save their new home sooo … :person_shrugging:

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Thanks for the feedback however, I left these out actually on purpose because they aren’t an Elven Race they are all just Kaldorei or more precisely Kaldorei Highborne who below to the House of Shen’dralar and it was these that created the Night Elven City known as Eldre’Thalas Feralas parts of which is what we know as Dire Maul now.
Their name Shen’dralor means Those Who Remain Hidden the reason for this is very simple. They were a secret society that consisted of Queen Azshara’s most revered arcanists that she charged with the storage and safekeeping of her most precious tomes which lead them to the creation of Eldre’Thalas to ensure they could carry out Queen’s (Azshara) most important demands in secret hidden from all but those Night Elves Queen Azshara trusted and revered the most i.e a very small select few. So the name Shen’dralor does make sense however they aren’t a different or distinct Elven Race they are a Night Elven Secret Society…
As I was going by Elven Races and not anything like their Sects, Societies or Houses which is exactly what the Shen’dralor are.

Shalassian is the language of the nightborne and is an ancient offshoot as it shares similarities with both Darnassian, and Thalassian.
However we also know that Shalassian as a language is so archaic only the oldest elves might be able to read it which is the yellow lore text that is on the item called the Ancient Nightborne Tome which starts the The Nighthold: Elisande quest.
So clearly the fact that it is only possible for the Oldest Elves read the language itself likely eludes to the fact that is a language that is lost to all the younger elves over time.
Sure languages evolve and change but the key point is they highlight clearly that Shalissian needs the oldest elves to even read it.

Actually no as not all Undead Elves are Darkfallen the group is very specific. The Darkfallen race consists only of those who in the process of becoming an Undead Elf have been imbued with a magical resistance to the decay aspect of the undead. I.E. none of them Decay like other Undead, meaning that the only the following three specific undead elven variants can be considered part of the Darkfallen Race-

  1. the dark rangers of the Forsaken.

  2. the vampiric San’layn of the Scourge.

  3. the death knights of the Ebon Blade.

It’s all connected to the they do not Decay or Rot aspect so they appear more life like etc than other undead hence leading to them being a separate race of undead because they don’t decay like the others. Banshees aren’t Darkfallen because they actually lack a physical form they’re Spirits which fails the whole do they have a body which is protected from the aspect of undead Decay via magical resistance and clearly thats no as they don’t have a body that could be protected in the first place. The Banshee Queen is a unique instance because she is actually a Darkfallen who can shift back and forth at will between Darkfallen and Banshee i.e a Physical Form and a Spiritual Form.

I totally agree it’s silly a hell but the sheer discombobulation and glaring flaws in that abhorrent alliance list he had to fixed.
However, reminding alliance that Elves wouldn’t exist on Azeroth without Trolls and in actual fact the Horde populated Azeroth long before Alliance hence alliance is always playing second fiddle to the horde. :rofl: :rofl:

i know the name change has nothing to do with Naga, Garithos, Outland, demons. i am saying not all high elves were effected by the name change and the ones who werent effected, needed something besides the name change to change their ally status from friend to foe. for the dalaran high elves, that was the garithos deception and naga jail break. for the outlands high elves, who were not even on azeroth when the renaming occured, they were against the demonic mana thing not the naming thing. BUT, the high elves who were exiled, they were against the name change and the demonic mana thing.

if some of the dalaran high elves started naming themselves blood elves, they wouldve done so, not because they were coerced, but because they wanted to show solidarity with their kin in a neighboring kingdom. and that couldve easily been recanted if the general of the alliance army, accused the blood elves of being traitors in league with naga, and then naga prove him right by jail breaking the blood elves in front of the citizens of dalaran. this wouldve looked really bad. the blood elves and naga started killing/fighting the dalaran guards. not good. the people of dalaran didnt know the general was a genocidal maniac, he was cloaking his depravity in the fog of war

This is fair though I still think its foolish given the nature of trying to group elves to not note the specifics of their political, cultural, and divested groups.

Each one, in my opinion, makes up a separate group with its own merit.

Thats an assumption. Its entirely plausible that the average speaker of Darnassian or Thalassian simply doesn’t have the historical baseline of the root language that Shalassian is based upon to make the needed adjustments. That doesn’t mean its specifically any more or less connected to its ancient language base than Darnassian or Thalassian.

I imagine if we had the option or reason to have a tome for Darnassian specific to a Nightbornes viewpoint it too would suggest they cannot read it unless they had the context of that document. Something easily done if one is from the time before all these languages would have diverged.

I can’t say you’re wrong but its a bold claim compared to the way languages actually evolve realistically even among culture groups that shift slowly and I’d at least say you can’t be sure that you’re correct here.

This was retconned by the Sylvanas book during Shadowlands. All undead elves are now Darkfallen, with sub groups among them.

Also keep in mind many of the Dark Rangers are in fact Banshees that recovered their bodies. Something Sylvanas does do, as you note yourself. This hasn’t been retconned from WCIII FT as far as I am currently aware despite the changes. (Excepting that they’re all considered Darkfallen elves now.)

Eh the trolls always joined later. The Horde was made on Draenor, so I’d say theres a lot of doubt on the whole concept that the “horde” populated Azeroth first. (Though by that same token I’m not sure I consider the Night Elves populating of Azeroth acceptable for the Alliance side of that either. lol)

Anyhow this is silly but I enjoy the debating it back and forth like this. So much nicer than people just throwing random stuff around.

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thatd be an interesting era as a standalone game.

sadly i lost my trust level so i cant post links other than blizzard or wowhead


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no elves should stay divided void elves should only have void features blood elves need more customizations as with void elves. nightborne need more as well. the faction divide must stay the pushing of the factions together has been a turnoff to me one reason i dislike modern wow its to "oh we are all together with sunshine flowers and best friends even though we murdered eachothers families all forgiven) like seriously cringe unrealisting i want Chaos I WANT THE EDGYNESS what metzen envisioned for the game with the inspirations like warhammer the lovecrafting influences so on.


The name change isn’t an ‘effect’ or a biological / magical condition though. It was quite literally subjective.

They could have chosen to embrace the name ‘Blood Elf’ – but then chosen exile due to their other political differences, such as those they want to remain allies with. The reason of “Garithos deception and Naga jail break” doesn’t really dictate anything, it was a simple inconvenient event & nothing more.

There were Blood Elves that went to Outland & spread the word for the reasoning of their kins rename decision. Given they had reinforcements & intel of news “back from home” – Stating they were elsewhere at the time is hardly a reason either.

As stated earlier:

So the whole “Demonic energies” argument – is hardly much of an answer either.

Not to mention, as stated earlier — There were Blood Elves who had disagreements in loyalties, magical methodology (Fel / Demons, etc) and whatnot, but that didn’t effect them from ceasing to use the name ‘Blood Elves’ or not. Hence my statement:

As for —

That’s headcanon, at best.


by not effected by i mean, the name change was applicable for high elf citizens of quel’thalas. so dalaran high elf citizens would not fall under that description. different kingdom. the eventual solution for high elf citizens of quel’thalas, who would not rename and use demon magic, was to exile them. non-void elves of the silver covenant are not exiled from quel’thalas (and never have been) as they can pilgrimage to sunwell with lor’themar’s blessings, yet they dont have the blood elf name.

not only were they elsewhere during the renaming, they were on a whole different planet! and they were on that whole different planet during the scourge invasion, too. and when they see their kin again, their doing demon magic. they went there with alleria, so not likely theyd be like, yeah lets follow our prince’s folly. alleria doesnt even know what happened to sylvannas until we find her and turalyon on argus, during legion and veressa tells her. boy she was mad.

That’s the thing though …

They would. :upside_down_face:

Saying otherwise is just another headcanon.

  • Heck, Kael’Thas who came up with the name was in Dalaran at the time of the death to his father & the purge of the Quel’Thalas.
  • There’s no indication or source of lore-script indicating they chose not to pick upon the name ‘Blood Elves’ merely because they were “Dalaran High Elf Citizens”

The name is dedicated in honor of their people who were killed during the siege of Quel’Thalas by the Scourge during the Third War.

Also, the Blood Elves being named such, is not only due to honouring the blood spilled, but also to honour their blood lines

  • Question Asked: “What does it mean by ‘we will take the name of our royal lineage’ to “Sin’dorei” as the new representation of BE’s royal lineage?”
  • Answer Provided: “The term ‘Blood elf’ - blood as in those who died, blood also as in lineage, bloodline.”

Source: MICKY NEILSON, the Publishing Lead at Blizzard Entertainment, veteran of the company for over 22 years.


you are not understanding, i suppose i’m not good at explaining. one more attempt: the dalaran high elves were not subjects of kael’thas, but they were allies and kin. so when kael decreed the name change, and lor’themar eventually started exiling those who wouldnt adapt it, he never applied exile to dalaran high elves, cause they were not quel’thalassians, they were dalaranians. itd be like the queen of england trying to force or expecting british americans to name themselves blood brits

Merge belf with velf and call it high elves.

Velf empire forever.

You are the one, who is not understanding …
As stated, whether they were subjects of Kael’Thas or not had no relevance. It was applied to the people as whole. The fact they were his former allies & kin would be reason enough.

Also as stated, there’s no source or lore-precedent to indicate that they chose not to embrace the name simply because “They were Dalaranians” or “Citizens of Dalaran” or such.

The Naming Schism

I already mentioned the waves of schism to those who didn’t embrace the name, quite a few times & yet you keep insisting these other imaginary reasons.

  • First it was the Legion & the Scourge.
  • Then it was Garithos and the Naga jail break.
  • And now it’s “Oh no its because they were Dalaranians.” lol

she doesnt know the lore and is outright discarded anything that goes against her headcannon about the elves.

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