I've moved on from this

problem is, the high elves who remained alliance, were mostly in dalaran, with a few scattered outposts. decreeing they rename themselves to remain in the blood elf kingdom when the dalaran high elves already had a kingdom in dalaran, hanging with the kirin tor and marrying humans., such naming conventions in a neighboring kingdom would not be a threat, and they would still defend blood elves as kin and allies…until the naga

the sunreavers who were in dalaran,split, with some going with kael’thas to outlands and renaming themselves blood elves. and some staying in dalaran where theyd been for 2000 years, forming the silver covenant under veressa windrunner’s leadership.

it was the isolated outposts who had the issue with the rename as they didnt have a kingdom other than quel’thalas

personally. i think the dalaran high elves would already be mostly half elves but the devs didnt care about that enough to depict it, i mean just look at arator, a half elf that looks identical to a blood elf


I’m a horde player and I know they look the same, but I wish Void Elves were available to both sides.

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I’m curious. For the blue skin and such type aesthetic or racials or?

Would be neat to have them on both sides honestly.

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Both, that Void Rift could be interesting to play with.

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well the devs need to do stuff with it. its currently a couple tables and tents, not sure i’d even call them tents.

Again, that has nothing to do with the reason for the re-name or the decision not to embrace it.

You’re just making stuff up.

Sure there’s truths within the lie, such as there being elves going to Outland & there being the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers – But those, along with the Naga had no relevance whatsoever to the decision of the name, or not to embrace the name — You emphasising actual events to be of deeper-meaning than they actually held or saying otherwise is just twisting such events to suit your own head-canon.

Honestly, it reminded me of a quote from the X-Files:

“And a lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly hidden between two truths.”

Why? Most of their kind chose to embrace the name ‘Blood Elves
Including those of them who were at Dalaran or other places around the world.

Personally, for race & class lore – along with respecting the world building, they should have had applied a spell-aesthetic customisation on certain specs for races where it’d make sense.

Such as:

  • Mag’har Orcs and Void Elves: With HOLY spells having shadow spell visuals.
  • Lightforged Draenei: with SHADOW spells having holy spell visuals.

That’d be an easy fix for getting Void Elf Paladins into the fold plus perhaps get some new lore & enemies down the lane (Not to mention it’d look sick, lol).

Blood Elves spell visual, or lore ?

  • I’d like them to address the whole ordeal of Blood Elves with void magic more since the whole statement made by Rommath: “Any who treat with the void are to be exiled!” ordeal — Like with Blood Elf warlocks & shadow-priests too.

Reason being, is that because unlike the above races listed in those points having direct conflict with the forces that grant such powers of either being at war with in the past, or merely their cosmology being directly in opposition of them — The Blood Elves however, is simply because of an over-protectively angry magister not wanting to risk shadow-magic spiking into the holy punch bowl. :joy:

With the above being said:

  • According to the High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift, the study of the Void is as frowned upon High-Elf society too, as much as it is among the Blood Elves.

“We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.” – High Elf Wayfarer.


If they even release midnight :smiley: from the way the forums have been on fire, i am worried people might quit and go play something else :rofl:

youve just chosen to ignore the implications - if the threat of being removed from the kingdom didnt effect the high elves who had made dalaran their home and kingdom, they would need more persuasion than the naming issue and that happened when the naga invaded dalaran. and when the sunreavers saw this, some freaked that their kin were being attacked by dalaran guards and some freaked that naga were in league with blood elves. i know this because thats what inevitably happened

as i said before it was the people who were exiled for not renaming themselves, who had an issue with it because quel’thalas was their home and kingdom

think of it like britain and the usa. we are kin and allies. the usa is not going to be put out, to the point of launching a war against britain, if britain enacts a naming convention for citizens of britain. but we might if one of our generals told us the brits are in league with russians and to prove it, russians show up to defend them

Folk denying the division of the Thalassian people are ridiculous especially when they use it as some sort of pretend basis for why they can’t be a thing worthy of people requesting it.

High Elves meet all requirements of an AR easily. The only reason they are not one already is because Blood Elves are on the Horde side, and Void Elves are on the Alliance side… Which is why Blizzard provided high elven options to Void Elves (and Blood Elves).

I wouldn’t put it as a high possibility but it is possible they’d add them as an AR in Midnight. I think its more likely we’ll at best just get more customizations though, while the story has Blood Elves, Void Elves and High Elves bury their respective hatchets. (Probably unsatisfactorily for most honestly.)

Though I am curious to see if they’ve got some redo of the race setup getting ready to apply sub categories to a main race thing like we see in that Subrace mockup.


Yes, I’m in favour of merging the elves into a horrifying, Cronenberg-esque mass of writhing flesh and agony.

That is what we’re talking about, yeah?

Some of you really should be playing void elves…

:rofl: oh gosh that caught me offguard :joy:

There isn’t even a need or that. The old lore (might still be canon, not sure) explanation for undead holy priests was that they didn’t actually use the Light, but something called the “Forgotten Shadow”. A kind of Shadow magic that mimics the Light, not only in function but in appearance too. But without the pesky side effect of burning undeads.

I’d be okay with a void based or shadow based Paladin for Void Elves instead of a light based one, I mean it’s an interesting concept and it fits what the race is and should be so it would also be on point like for example instead of casting holy light they’d cast shadow light.


There isn’t any lore that denies Void Elves (or Mag’har) from using the Light.

Void Elves feel pain like undead do but thats it.

Mag’har just have a cultural issue with it. lol

Why is this thread still alive?

I was so drunk i dont even remember making it. Or how i got so many bruises… Guess i fell over a lot that night.

But yeah. Ive got this on mute haha

Not only that but the High Elf supremacists have already suggested several times that Blood Elves be renamed into High Elves :roll_eyes: … Instead of the other way around. Even with many of us stating with elven unification under ‘Blood Elves’ + neutrality that they’re allowed to keep their societal ethics & connections (so really, only difference would then be naming conventions).

And they insist that it’s more “noble & fair” that the Blood Elves rename to High Elves alternatively instead —

  • Despite them renaming in the first place to honour their fallen.
  • Despite Blood Elves being the longest playable race of Thalassian Elves in-game.
  • Despite Blood Elves holding their homeland, kingdom & much larger numbers in lore – than any who remain ‘High Elves’.

Changing Blood Elves back to ‘High Elves’ would just be pissing on the graves of the fallen they had chosen to respect with the name-change in the first place.

That’s rich, coming from you.

  • I’ve already addressed & debunked a lot of the stuff you repeatedly push out.
    :diamonds: Some of which were just flat out lies, such as the High Elves separating “Because the Blood Elves sided with Demons, the Legion and the Scourge.” — which is just flat out not true at all.
  • And some of them quite a few times, yet you keep repeating and insisting upon its importance, along with suggesting that whatever new story you’ve grappled was the ‘biggest reason’ for the division — Which it wasn’t.

As I’ve already stated earlier:

Hence the statement I made —


you realize not all the high elves in dalaran went with kael’thas to outlands? you realize the silver covenant is composed of former sunreavers? how about the high elves in allerian stronghold, such as rose’leth. shes saying we need these draenic vessels so we can resist the demonic magic, saving them from kael’thas folly

With those vessels and their power in hand, the scattered survivors of my people can resist the lure of demonic magic. Every [quel'dorei] we can save from our prince’s folly is one more that can help us regain our lost glory. Bring me these vessels, https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Vessels_of_Power.

that is an alliance high elf indicating that the blood elves under kael’thas are dabbling with demonic power. thats what their prince’s folly is. the blood elves did side with illidan, who is a demon and he even has legion all over black temple. dont be silly. and from the perspective of a dalaran high elf, on first viewing, forsaken look like scourge, they arent gonna know that sylvannas restored their free will for awhile. sheesh

you seem to be confused with the timeline moments i’m talking about. several things happen within a short period of time:

  1. the garithos deception
  2. naga jail break
  3. severing of the sunreavers
  4. kael’thas and blood elves depart to outlands
  5. blood elves learn demonic magic from illidan and use it to sate addiction
  6. somewhere in here sylvannas rescues the forsaken, who look just like scourge to those who dont know.
  7. blood elves split off from illidan/kil’jaeden and join the naaru and the horde

i never suggested the naga dictated the name. theres 3 separate groups of high elves, the exiled citizens of quel’thalas, the outlands high elves , and the dalaran high elves, in this discussion. i suggest the dalaran high elves who didnt go with kael’thas was not over naming but over garithos’ deception and the naga jail break. i dont know what the outlands high elves give as reason other than kael’thas demonic magic folly. that leaves the exiles as the ones who were upset about the naming.

the dalaran high elves were not subject to the renaming since they werent citizens of quel’thalas. they were citizens of dalaran. how could they be exiles when they didnt live there to be exiled from? they werent forced to live in dalaran. theyd been there for 2000 years

dalaran high elves dont abandon kael because of questionable mana methods because kael doesnt learn that till he goes to outlands and garithos’ deception preceeds the blood elves departure to outlands and demonic mana methods

kael is an ally of dalaran, till garithos’ deception, he is not the prince of dalaran

that is AFTER garithos’ deception and the naga jail break. we are talking about the dalaran high elves, who arent exiles, dont abandon kael because of demonic magic because it hasnt happened yet, and do fall prey to garithos’ deception and witness the naga jail break.

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Sorry but what you have posted is inaccurate, has various errors which need to be fixed as things are vastly different when this is done.

The alliance has the following Elven races solely within its faction:

  1. Kaldorei or Children of the Stars in Darnassian - hence Night Elves and are descended from Dark Trolls

  2. Quel’dorei or Children of Noble Birth in Darnassian - hence High Elves and are descended from Night Elf Highborne

  3. Ren’dorei or Children of the Void in Thalassian - hence Void Elves and are descended from Blood Elf Exiles

The Horde has the following Elven races solely within its faction:

  • Sin’dorei or Children of the Blood in Thalassian - hence Blood Elves and are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas. Their new name is a dirge, referencing both the blood of their many brethren who fell during the Third War, and their royal lineage, highborne in the elven society

  • Shal’dorei or Children of the Night in Shalassian which is actually the oldest known elven language dialect that predates all of the Alliance elven dialects by a significant amount. For example the Kaldorei dialect called Darnassian is referred to as a dialect that is used by younger elves who have lost their true heritage by many of the Shal’dorei. It is important to understand that the Shal’dorei also go by the name Nightborne however, while they were originally all Night Elves due to the way in which they segregated themselves and do not want to be associated with Night Elves whatsoever they have become a unique elven race in which we do not see a simple common name. For example Sin’dorei translates to Children of the Blood which then gives us the common name of Blood Elves, Ren’dorei is Children of the Void which then gives us the common name of Void Elves and Quel’dorei is Children of Noble (i.e. High) Birth which then give us the common name of High Elves. However, in the case of Night Elves it is not the same, the term Kaldorei means Children of the Stars so if the same principle was followed Kaldorei should have the common name Star Elves while Shal’dorei being Children of the Night would actually be the true Night Elves. As Shalassian is the oldest elven dialect and the Nightborne where originally Night Elves it is logical that originally all Night Elves called themselves Shal’dorei however, when the faction split happened the Shal’dorei no longer called themselves Night Elves but they kept the older version of the translation that being Nightborne. While on Night Elves became the Kaldorei as a way to seperate themselves from the Shal’dorei of old but keep some connection with the aspect of Night that being Stars but kept the Night Elf common name as they knew that those of the Shal’dorei would never lower themselves to use such terms. Yeah it’s a convoluted mess but just think along the lines that the Nightborne are largely all where Night Elf Highborne while Night Elves likely had very little Highborne by comparison so they were made up of largely the lower caste elves which would also be the likely cause of things like dialect changes and simplifications that would be disdained by those of the Shal’dorei.

So firstly I think it is very important to not the fact that two of the alliance elven races are directly descended from a horde race and the other is an indirect descendant of a horde race. To simplify this both Void Elves and Night Elves are a horde race which was transformed due to overexposure of an external cosmic force. While High Elves are descended from Night Elf Highborne which are nothing more than Night Elves that were in the upper class society such as nobles which was referred to as Highborne within the Night Elven Society they weren’t a different race they were all still Night Elves. Finally as High Elves are descended from Noble Night Elves they are also a by product of Dark Trolls just one step removed.

The rest of the variations that you listed for alliance need to be either removed or addressed.

  1. Highborne- is a caste within various elven societies which includes their nobles and upper class. This meant that elven society was a caste based system with the Highborne at the top and everyone else beneath them. This is also the basis from which High Elves kept the elfish name which the Night Elf Highborne gave themselves as a way to distinguish them from all other Kaldorei they called themselves Quel’dorei. High Elves kept this elven name for themselves to portray themselves as above or better than other races hence the usage of High in their common name as they view themselves as above other races.

  2. Silvermoon Scholars - are Blood Elves so they aren’t actually alliance they are horde but like various other scholars from the various other elven races they have all formed a cooperation pact between the various elven races whether they are horde or alliance as a means by which they all can search the Telegrus Rift for Forbidden knowledge as well as a much better way to be able to directly study the Void itself.

  3. High Elf Wayfarer - I am mentioning this because it seems very strange that you would do something like mention Silvermoon Scholars as part of the Alliance but, you didn’t mention the High Elf equivalent that is in the same location and doing the exact same thing. In essence neither of these should be mentioned because they are just a variation on an already existing elven race Blood Elf for Scholar and High Elf for Wayfarer.

  4. Dark Rangers - shouldn’t be in either list instead you should have continued along the lines of using the base elven race which encompasses Dark Rangers various other undead elves variations like undead elven Death Knights of the Ebon Blade which you missed from both lists.

    • Instead you should have used Darkfallen is the racial term used to refer to undead elves regardless of the elven race they were before becoming undead.
  5. Valeera Sanguinar - I am confused why you chose to mention Valeera sure she is someone that is independent but has ties with both factions but hasn’t actually officially joined either. However, she is just another Blood Elf which would just fold up under Blood Elves as a whole. You also open up a massive can or worms by adding this in to your list because you then clearly have others that would be added under the same pretences and while some might not be obvious at first they are viable options if you are taking this whole variation aspect using a unique NPC. For example of the top of my head here are some that could logically be added under the same principles I can think of:

    • Alleria Windrunner due to her unique High Elven variation - Alliance

    • Kael’thas Sunstrider due to his ties to Blood Elves - Horde

    • Lyandra Sunstrider - Horde & Alliance

    • Archmage Aethas Sunreaver another Blood Elf that because of his connection through the Kirin Tor can be connected to both Horde and Alliance

    • Anasterian Sunstrider the High King of Quel’thalas and is a High Elf variation that is only available to Horde due it being part of the Heritage of the Sin’Dorei horde storyline.

    • Dark Ranger Velonara because she is a Darkfallen that was a High Elf appearance which is also only available for Horde

    • Sylvanas Windrunner the Banshee Queen she was the former horde war chief as well as the leader of the forsaken and is a former High Elf that becomes a Darkfallen Banshee so has some very unique aspects. She also has the High Elf Ranger variation that was used within Shadowlands storylines. Honestly I am very confused as to how you could miss a character like this when you chose to open up these types of additions based on you thinking that Valeera Sanguinar should be included in your list.

    • Tyrande Whisperwind is clearly another obvious variation that you clearly overlooked while choosing to add Valeera to your list,

I think you can get the idea that it is a bad idea to add a unique named npc to something like your variation list because it opens the door to countless others that creates issues for your whole horde vs alliance objective it is just best to keep it simple.
i.e the following:

Alliance - Kaldorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei, & Darkfallen
Horde - Sin’dorei, Shal’dorei, & Darkfallen

So really Alliance only has just one additional but it should also be noted that the one additional elven race is one which has been decimated and has very few remaining when compared to all other elves that being Quel’dorei (High Elves) so while you can’t fully remove them it is so small that it can be almost ignored which would equalize the situation between the two factions…

Just my two cents…

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Should we merge them all like a lovecraftian aberration kinda deal? I like the sound of that.

The elfiest of all elves.