I've moved on from this

It is, the Blood Elves are the High Elves and therefore we have the golden eyes even I have them and I’m a Warlock so feel free to play the proper race for the customization option.


i’m not particulary interested in gold eyes, as i mentioned yesterday i think normal eyes would be a cool customization


My question only concerns the high elves of the alliance because there are paladins and high elves priests, there are also pilgrims who go to the Sunwell.

There are none, there are Void Elves on Alliance which are in turn void corrupted and not allowed to have golden eyes which is why instead they have the purple eye color options.

Further than that there are no Void Elf Paladins only Blood Elf and High Elf Paladins which are also Horde so again if you want the golden eyes play the proper race that has the customization.


Golden eyes for void elves = high elf customization :wink:

Golden eyes come from the light which Void Elves aren’t, they are void corrupted which is the opposite of light, explain how that would even work because there is no way and trying to play pretend only goes so far.

Actually Void Elves don’t even have access to the same classes as Blood Elves because they aren’t actually on the same level as real High Elves are.


maybe if they ever figure out how to give us paladins. i mean i still cant figure out how i’m using the light to heal people as a void elf priest

When the Paladin class is available for all races, I think void elves will be classic paladins.
It would be great if Blizzard could add golden eyes customization to Void Elf Paladins, to RP a Blood Knight or High Elf Paladin.

I hope there will be Lore and NPCs for explanations.

Not every Paladin race has golden eyes despite being light infused so Void Elves being void corrupted just removes them even further from having them because they are and will always be Void Elves even if they are Void Elf Paladins even if they are pretending to be High Elves with say blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin.

This will more than likely be like with green eyes from Blood Elves despite Void Elves being void infused Blood Elves where they don’t give them to you so you’ll have to deal with either using purple, blue or white or red if you use Dark Ranger skin which is more than enough for Void Elves since they aren’t really well us.


It’s just a Thalassian elf thing and void elves are Thalassian elves.

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It’s a sunwell connected elf thing which isn’t Void Elves they aren’t even allowed around it so if you are a Void Elf pretending to be a High Elf you are still a Void Elf and so you still wouldn’t be allowed around it, therefore you wouldn’t have the golden eyes because you aren’t using the light.


Void elf paladins will use light like blood elf paladins.

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You don’t know this at all, Blizzard hasn’t spoken at all how they are going to spin Void Elf Paladin or any other race that currently lacks Paladin class if they do so this is nothing more than a personal assumption from you which doesn’t actually make it valid or true.


They said that race won’t be a barrier to adding new class/race combos, so void elf paladins are possible.

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That’s not what I said, you claimed that Void Elf Paladins will be like Blood Elf Paladins and use the light, you don’t know that yet which is what I said, you are assuming without a basis of how they will actually explain more Paladin races because even say during the Tyr questline there wasn’t Void Elf Paladins there was Kul Tiran, Lightforged, Human, etc.

For all you could know they could do like people keep asking and make Void Elf Paladins void based Paladins that use shadow and not the light like a corrupted Paladin.


If Blizzard adds a Void Paladin skin, it will be available for all races.

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I think there should be an epic elven war to see who comes out on top.

Not even a blueberry to sit on!

Crazy how that kind of stuff was normal at Blizzcon.

Hey :raised_hands: It wasn’t me who said it – It was Blizz’

That being said though:

  • Mag’har Orcs – would far outnumber the remaining High-Elves, not to mention there’s numbers in Outland too.
  • Lightforged Draenei – Can always make more Lightforged Draenei through the lightforging process, all they need is a Naaru willing to bless & infuse them with the power of the light.
  • Void Elves:joy: Okay. Got me there, lol. Although lets be honest, that’s the least lore-concerning thing when it comes to the freaking Void Elves :roll_eyes:

That I agree.
Albeit, all the other points I made still stand

… However I’m sure events, lore and other excerpts presented will still be twisted or outright lied with opposing ‘facts’ with misinformation, like what always happens with High-Elf threads. :unamused:

They always demand sources, yet between rarely-to-never at all provide their own.

No, it was definitely the naming. lol

  • The Garithos events; along with the Naga were ultimately just icing pastures on the cake that had already been made … Heck the mana issues was more pressing than all that stuff, for the fractures & uncertainty that occurred within the elven kingdoms and community.
  • Not sure why you’re still mentioning the Legion, I already debunked that as BS.
  • The elves joining with the Horde came when the division was already solidified, to which proved beneficial to their kingdom too – Pushing back the Scourge in the Ghostlands & thwarting Amani skirmishes.

:grin: I’ll drink to that :beers:

Actually a suggestion I made.

However people insist that High Elves & Blood Elves are biologically or cosmically different … Which they aren’t. lol

  • High Elves & Blood Elves were born in the same culture, kingdoms and share the same history.
  • High Elves & Blood Elves were also born in the same time, around the same places, cultures, kingdoms and said-history — Thus wouldn’t even have different accents. The political differences would have miniscule discrepancies to their overall culture.

So if we just unified them, named them all ‘Blood Elves’ and then perhaps shared some of their old heritage & history they didn’t want to let go (Compromise on the original Blood Elves part, to the High Elves converting) such as colourations & remaining connections with old allies such as the Alliance — It’d be great.

Actually the above would spice up Quel’Thalas up too, having mixtures of reds & blues – perhaps even other colours, like purples & starlight themed roofing (eg. what we saw upon the roofs of the ruins of Zin-Azshari buildings in Nazjatar).


Uniting those who remain as ‘High Elves’ under Blood Elves once & for all, with the above compromise and evolution of the united culture & architecture in reflection of such:

  • Could actually build a full-fledged elven culture, lore & storylines to its full potential.