Ive Had Enough With Sharding

Sharding has become ridiculous in 8.2 and it needs changes desperately. Today I spent 40 minutes waiting for 1 Mechagon rare that I still need, only to get sharded away from it right after it finally spawned. The time between rare spawns has made sharding an especially painful issue this patch.

Slight correction, this is Cross Realm Grouping, CRZ is Cross Realm Zones. When you see players running around who aren’t from your server out in a zone - and therefore unable to do anything meaningful with them such as friend/trade/guild? That’s CRZ. When you invite someone to a group and they phase into your zone, that’s CRG.

Blizzard could easily disable CRZ as a passive across zones - they’ve done it before - and still allow CRG. In fact, that’s how RP servers typically work (not always and usually in the Old World). That and no sharding in the Old World…BUT we can still pull others to our servers via grouping.

It’s a big reason why non-RPers are migrating to RP servers. They are refugees from the CRZ/Sharding crisis.

I’ve only had something I’ve tagged disappear once ever but I play in Care Bear mode so that might be why.

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned how this issue impacts gathering nodes and chests.

I’ve seen the items around Nazjatar required for quests like Requisition: We Need It All appear something like 15-20 yards from my character and then disappear before I can get close enough to interact. I can say the same for gathering nodes of both the herb and ore varieties.

idk about no one wanted CRZ, blizzard completely broke a few servers during the end of cata with “free xfers”. For some time they gave xfers to different high pop servers to spread tension but all they did was make people on faction imbalanced servers switch to the new server.

My example is Area 52. I started the game on Area 52 on alliance and although the horde always ruled there was ALWAYS PLENTY of people in the cities, in the towns, doing raids, doing events, raiding org, etc.

They opened a xfer option to turalyon and you could literally feel the population drop until there was no one. You could afk in stormwind for 8 hours and see 1 stray person usually some bot or bank character with the classic “kwdawedlj” name, not a single peep in chat between every city. It was empty. The only guild left for a long time before CRZ was literally named “We conquered the alliance”, they were it lol. They sure did conquer the alliance. Even then they only had maybe 8 ppl on at a time during peak times.

Anyone who missed the server xfer was trapped in a single player RPG unless they wanted to move all there characters for hundreds of dollars or start over.

Starfish flashbacks intensifies

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I flew around Stormsong this morning for about 2 hours, doing exploration achievements and gathering, and literally saw 3 other players the entire time.

If the feature meant to fix this issue doesn’t, then what’s the point?

Edit: I understand the issue of a dead server, but my point is the creation of the new problem wherein even lively servers can still feel like a ghost town.

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CRZ refers to cross-realms does it not? This is not the same thing as sharding. Cross realms was merely the ability for other players on other realms to be seen in the same grouping.

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By good things do u mean trolls and idiots from other realms that like to spam general chat and troll ppl? Or the ones u cant report cause they are on a diff server? Or the ppl u wanna invite to ur guild but can’t cause not on same server,or heres one u can’t trade items to ppl on other realms , No nothing good comes from CRZ.

I think they’re gonna replace it with layering after classic if it actually works out well. The thing is, something needs to exist in this regard, the only problem is the current implementation of it sucks.

Sharding gave me PML, I’m dying now because sharding invaded my brain with a virus and it’s killing me. Blizz plz stop, think of the brains u r destroying with this awful excuse for a tech no one asked for, no one wants, and none of you can seem to get working properly. ty

Yes, exactly. People are confusing crz with sharding. Clearly they don’t know what they are talking about.

You know, I’m a bit tired and just wanted to tell you to not eat so many gassy foods, but then I read the title a second time.

But yes, sharding especially sucks when you think you’re headed towards a node and it disappears as soon as your touch the ground.

General chat in SW is different from what everyone else to talking about here. That can’t be changed. If your recruiting in /1 then your doing it wrong. /1 in SW is a multi sever channel now and has been for a few xpacs. I think they brought that in with Wod.

Also you could never trade with people on other realms before CRZ came. Regardless CRZ did bring good things to the game and you use it when you click that LFG button to find or form group to find a rare or help with tough wq boss. That is not sharding.

Many people are confssing CRZ with sharding and it’s wrong. Sharding is in place for when there is a lot of people in one spot, you are moved to another less populated shard, to reduce lagging. Like in BG’s when there are 40 people in the same area. CRZ only phases / moves you to leaders server, once you leave group you phase/move back to your server.

Judging by the comments the majority are getting crz and sharding mixed up and thinking they are same system, they are not. SO if it means I’m the minority then OK. Least I know the difference between sharding and crz.

Because Blizzard sensed fun and took it away?

Had this happen me today. Was attacking the Arachnoid Harvester near dead around 12% got sent to another shard. Than attacking Rustfeather 36% and vanished and brought to a different shard again. It is getting out of hand and just so annoying.

Sharding can be real messy.

They have adult undergarments to help though.