Ive Had Enough With Sharding

It NEEDS to go. I am sick of tagging and killing a rare only to see it disappear along with the players there killing it with me. It’s a complete waste of my time and it’s unecessary.

If I tag a rare, or any other mob I should NOT be included in being thrown into another shard that the mob I am currently attacking is not currently in. I am certainly not alone with this frustration.

I understand the purpose behind sharding, but kicking me into another while I am in combat with something is BS!


Yep this has happened to me so many times this patch. I don’t remember it happening in previous patches, so i wonder if blizz has made some new changes to the system.

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I honestly would not be surprised if they did and that this was intentional.


Yeah, this is the one thing I am scared about in Classic. I fully expect it to be cancer of the cancer.

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Sharding should never happen unless the zone is packed to the point of breaking.


Blizzard needs to redesign it so that players currently in combat with something wont get kicked into another shard before it dies.


Or how about: I was here first, send that guy who tipped the scales to the other shard.

Crz/Sharding causes more problems than it solves. Nobody likes it, get rid of it.


It has single handedly ruined the game, community wise. Which is pretty important for an MMO.


I am still trying to work out how on earth is this BS still in the game? Nobody wanted CRZ, and nobody wanted Sharding. And despite all the feedback about it, the devs continued to ignore and continued on with it.


I think they made a strategic mistake with what they used sharding for.

Seems like they went tall instead of wide and loaded each individual shard up with a lot more tasks at the cost of performance and max players with the understanding they can just spawn another one.

I also think there are client issues and they need a better place holder systems that doesent effect performance as they load in assets. All these mounts mogs and pets create some issues.

Nothing like chasing someone into a group of 15 players in WPvP but between the server and the client loading in assets it doesn’t bother to tell you they’re there until after they killed you.

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It was only good for abusing rare spawns. It’s practically useless for what it was intended to do.


Agreed. They ruin my immersion. Nothing but empty shells.


One of my sharding stories.

In Nazjatar.
Look for a group for world raid boss as I fly to it.
I get accepted.
As I fly closer I see a bunch of people fighting the boss.
As I fly and drop in to start attacking, I accept the raid invite.
…turns out…that wasnt my raid fighting it…
So as soon as I accept (right fighting dropping into the fight), I get phased to the shard with the raid in it.
Turns out…they did not start yet.
So here I am sitting at the feet of the boss autoattacking. He turns and one shots me.
Luckily a fast run back to join the raid to fight.

That wasn’t sharding, that was phasing. You saw people fighting on YOUR realm, when you accepted you got “phased” to their realm which is why no one was fighting as they hadn’t pulled on the realm you phased to.


I had more issues in Legion then I have so far in BFA.

Always ticked me off to be mid fight with a WQ demon, almost dead then boom, sharding kicks me into a different phase and the demon is at full health with no one else around. Although it angered me, it was also funny to have to run for my life, lol

But yeah, it’s annoying when it happens mid fight with something, or when you are trying to loot something on the ground.

Actually CRZ gave us “realm hopping”. Before the days of the fix where you had to be in same zone as leader or you wouldn’t get phased over, it was GREAT for farming mounts, rares, pets etc. I understand people who were upset with people like me doing this, however most times I used someone who had a open garrison realm hop.

I was doing that quest in Nazjatar where you have to kill mobs for meat to feed the big guy and there was only 1 other person there with me and a slow spawn rate. By time I was done and got on the beast it sharded me to a server with tons of ppl running around, I killed the other beast and it put me back on my lonely server area…

Why did it shard me when I got on the beast then shard me back? Bliz… :roll_eyes:


I mentioned this just a bit above. Other than that, it’s just an intrusive mess.

Was killing Soundless yesterday. Right at death, was then sharded without the loot, and took my kill count for the day. Quality system for sure.


Not true! You are talking about realm hopping, phasing. That is different than sharding, it is called CRZ is what you are referring to,

Without CRZ we wouldn’t be able to play on other realms, group with friends on other realms, and other good things that CRZ brought to the game.