I've got to ask the roleplayers here

Does anyone ACTUALLY roleplay they’re the hero of Azeroth? If so, why?

I sure as hell don’t. My character (which really is a method acting extension of myself in this land of make believe) actually cringes and gets slightly irritated and annoyed at being called “hero”, “champion”, and all of that other garbo. Patronizing, really.

My character is not GOOD. At all. He’s merely an enemy you could work with depending on which side of the line you’re on when they’re drawn.


I don’t RP as the hero, but not because my character is not good. But rather because I find that to be cliché and boring.

But hey, to each their own!


I don’t know but my friend Anduin calls me “Champion” and random strangers call me “Hero” but I think they are trying to get me to do stuff for them. /shrug


I’m just a miner of questionable sanity, man…


I play Leidolfr with a lot of conflict… he wants to save the world and the Earth Mother, and he has a completely farfetched idea on how to do it… but he does not want to be a hero… and in fact his plan needs the help of a dwarf or dwarves… but in his early adventures the dwarves killed his new best friend and he wants revenge…

Man, I need to play on Leidolfr more.

Lohk is also not a hero, and in fact, prides himself on running and escaping at the first sign of trouble. He just wants to sit and write and read and cook… and for it to happen, there needs to be peace.


Not at all. I find simpler rp more fun. Just a dark iron in a big city trying to get by as an accountant


So Lohk is basically Krillin, huh? That’s kinda funny haha


I don’t RP as The Hero of Azeroth, just another old soldier who sometimes is a hero. This is a topic that came up on my Twitter feed earlier today, actually, in relation to people’s distaste with the final cinematic for N’Zoth. I’d rather see the player characters as they were portrayed in ICC. Heroes with great power, but still no match for the main villain.



I roleplay as the character unseen and behind the scenes. A banshee loyalist but for reasons different than most. There’s a lot more going on with my character but I prefer the whole “hidden character to be unlocked” approach.

Currently writing a story between him and the Old Gods and working out a few details. Depending on how well written it is and how believable it can be, I believe it’s going to be a nice, unforeseen twist to the events currently happening.

Hint: It involves N’zoth


I wear glasses to work and everybody sees me as Senneca. When Magni calls, and Azeroth cries out in pain, I duck into the nearest phone booth, remove my glasses, spit-curl my bangs, and emerge the hero of Azeroth. It’s a heavy burden to bear, saving the world time and again without any thanks or recognition, but deep down, if there was ever going to be a champion of Azeroth, you always knew it would be a goblin.


I generally write Benedikt as involved with all the heroics the quests make you do. I just tend to keep it vague on the specifics.

In Legion for example I always transmogged away Light’s Wrath but I did make refernce to Netherlight Temple and the Priestly armies of Legionfall. Suffice to say my character is always around the plot points and typically doing something heroic but I avoid specifics. Like as far back as Wrath I’ve him canonically involved and present with the assault on ICC. I just don’t suggest he personally fought Arthas though I do imply he might have.

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I use to love being on the frontlines as a soldier but then blizzard started making everyone a legendary hero. that totally irked me.

Yes you’re all playing my story


I’m the anti-hero.

I let what I’ve actually done in the game dictate how I perceive my character and just sort of conform the story in my head to fit it. Champion of Azeroth, well, not at all, but a tenured vet who’s contributed enough over the years that it wouldn’t be out of place to get singled out for tough jobs here and there. When you walk into the Chamber of Hearts and see a hundred other people standing around, that fits the fantasy a lot better for me. We’re part of an elite mission to power up the heart of Azeroth and whatnot, but it’s a group effort and I’m not the unique bearer of this thing.


My character friggin’ loathes the heart of Azeroth. In my head canon? He hasn’t even touched it and wants nothing to do with it.

I usually RP characters that aren’t spotlight material, dovakin-skywalker-frodo-superprotagonists. This DK for example is just a cousin of a seasonal comedic npc, who managed to get killed and DK’d while vacationing, and after all the WotlK stuff settled down, went back to brewing ales and working on his funny obscene-shapes rock collection. As for the whole adventuring/hero stuff, not his thing really.


Omg its Cyrik what a troll

1v1 me rn big dam

we usually don’t. In some cases, we usually view ourselves as adventuring alongside others. Sure we may be “heroes” to some, but our characters otherwise just do what they want. My Character, Chala, doesn’t view herself as a hero but more of an engineer trying to make a mark on Azeroth

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