I've Been Waiting A Long Time For This - Necrotic Plague not jumping from add to add, only stacks up to 2

i thought i was reasonably specific with:

posts which were made within this current patch.

i’m not sure how you’ve got the comments sorted, but the most recent comments i’m seeing, are from 8.3.7

try sorting comments by “newest first”, or by the current patch options

By Jem353 (123 – 1) on 2020/05/27 (Patch 8.3.0)

Hey gang, just did a couple of frustrating runs to get this achievement (atm - May 27 2020)

Unfortunately it seems this encounter is still bugged. It seems the encounter is glitched in that if the target maintaining the Necromantic debuff dies, the stack disappears instead of jumping and adding. We had 5 players to get it done, so here was our winning strat after some trial and error.

One Warlock summoned his Voidwalker and gained aggro on LK, in the center of the arena, then flipped the Voidwalker to passive. We used the center blue circle as a clock, and rotated as a group around clockwise to the next “hour”, avoiding the shadow blast that would instakill you off the map. One Mage using Lances to kill the Drudges, our Paladin and Warrior hitting the Shambling spawn as soon as he popped up. (Essentially, one person instant casting to kill the trash mobs, harder hitters get the big bois) Ensuring no damage onto the LK, we literally ran circles around him counting up the stacks until we got past 30.

We did have one under-leveled member of the party who gained the stack around 20 and died, resetting the stack. We continued on without them and they still got the achievement.

Good luck!

I had the almost same issue as the poster illustrated here. Then we also have some saying it works just fine. Some say you can’t do solo. Some saying it doesn’t work at all. It is all over the place.

I didn’t kill the mobs like quoted user was doing. I left the adds alone and let it build up as I had enough HP to go afk for 10 minute and then some more before doing my first attack. As soon the diseased ticked once. That was enough to despawn the disease buff itself despite standing next to the add with myself as a valid next target to hop to. I did this achievement on 04/16/20 to put that into context.

I am going to try this achievement on my 120 level holy pally, this alt never done any ICC content before, tonight solo. Unlocked boned 25 man and several more afterward, so that is a confirmation that achievement system in general works fine.

I am sitting there at the stair for the knockback effect. I can already see a huge difference right away. The plague dot is killing the ghouls and shambling left and right.

When I did that for the first time. It didn’t do that and I would end up with more than 30+ add walking around.

When I last posted back in April it was definitely bugged out and I had to use the Ox statue to keep adds away so I could hop the plague between people.

Update… I have done this several times and it works like a charm. Partial credit goes out to youtube video titled “Easy - Been Waiting a Long Time for This.”

use the circle on the ground, it has marks on it. One person kills the adds, a second person guides the group. As the black spews from the ground the “group mover” moves to the next mark on the circle and the person handling the adds just kills adds and follows the “group mover.” Rinse and repeat until you have gained the required 30 stacks. I would recommend that you have an addon to track this. I used IAT, instance achievement tracker.

This is still bugged……