Ive been to harsh on PVP Devs, i can see your trying

Even though PVP is still far from balanced, i can tell your trying where you can.

  • Shamans riptide nerf was very nice, it could still use a small cast time IMO but hey.
  • Taking away frenzied regen from moonkins and increasing the mana cost was very nice. (even though it seems none of the moonkins realized they just need to use tree of life to give them real defensives, instead of going a FULL PVE damage rune like starfall. Like when you made preists also choose between damage and survivability. which you should always be choosing survivability becuase your not trying to parse, this isnt a dungeon, staying alive is FAR more important. becuase you can always deal more damage if you alive rather than dead. )
  • nerfing the damage pallys do in bubble was very nice/nessary as well.
  • The buffs to mages where really nice. Its good to see my frosty friends back in my BGs

All though we are far FAR from the goal. I can see the effort the past few patches and i appricate it…


It heals for 600… might as well remove it if a “small cast time is added”. It wont outheals 2 druid dots. =)

I would love to see more activity from the devs equal to the first few weeks of SOD release. Im here for the long run.

It heals for 600

Riptide is LITERALLY regrowth my guy… just on steroids

Riptide heals the EXACT same as druids regrowth ** BUT my regrowth cost 5x the mana and DOES have a cast time! ***

That sounds more balanced to me. yes please consider OTHER classes, i know its super easy to ONLY look at your own class isntead of the big picture.

(I still get a ton of value out of regrowth in PVP btw. I know you can do it to.)

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It heals for nothing for ele and ehn unless you have purification deep down in resto tree. People are still crying about stuff from months ago. Riptide was nerf into the ground.


You didnt adress anything i said…

can you adress these

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Putting it in caps doesnt help ur opinion… apples and oranges.

Take a chill pill dude. lol


just really trying to drive the point home. my guy. please stop complaining. and its appels to appels agian its literally the same spell but better how many times do i have to say it.


I said it heals for nothing now and you are crying about it costing no mana now and not having a casting time. /smh

PS. I log on and just checked. it actually does cost mana 273. LOL

I said that in the orginal post here too… i complaiend from minute 1. Literally first post. You just complain its not turbo busted.

your wild. again its the same spell that i have apples to literal apples. it could use a cast time and cost more mana ive never said anything different in any of my posts? what are you on about?

There is a difference betwen us. Same spell yours is jsut busted. I guess I just know how to use it?

Let me break it down for you to understand.

Riptide now heals for 320-354 and another 337 over 15 secs. Thats the tooltip but im telling you on average it heals for 600. Tell me what is the average of boomkins moonfire dots?

Now, to get the original riptide you have to spec deep into purification. No Ele or Ehn will go that deep.

And now you are crying about it costing less mana and not having a casting time. /smh

PS. That 337 over 15 secs is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OP. lol

Im happy your reading now if you could read off REGROWTH for me PLEASE.

Then lets do a compare and contrast.

You can do it buddy!

How about you post. I dont know sh1t about druid. I dont play one. But I do know Shaman. =)

thats my point.

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Which is the druid point. I just gave you the Shaman point. Aren’t we having a discussion?

Post the druid regrowth stats and once again, its not the same. If it were why aren’t you crying about renew? its the same isnt it? lol

I play shamans guy. I know there is no difference. I understand you dont. Thats why i specifically said

yes please consider OTHER classes, i know its super easy to ONLY look at your own class isntead of the big picture.

im asking you to do your research. Becuase i play shaman and I already told you the difference like 3 different times but you just dont want to believe your class is busted ** I UNDERSTAND. ** there is no discussion you just need to learn more. I cant learn it for you bro.

but here

After 2 seconds Heals a friendly target for 601 and another 686 over 21 sec. cost 880 mana.

Please i say again learn other classes. stop being SO UNBELIVABLY ignorant

So, its better? and you want riptide to get further gutted and Im the one being ignorant. /smh

I actually dont think shamans are taking riptide anymore. Some are picking Rolling Thunder and Static Shock. But, but you play a shaman too.

Also please answer my question. How much damage is moonfire hitting for on the dots?

PS. 337 over 15 secs this is just a reminder of the hot from riptide.

" Shamans are definitely not op because druids are overtuned!!!"

Doesn’t work that way lmao

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I never that… the shaman hate is beyond real. lol

This is your main issue and why all your opinions are so bad

You are unable to understand a non-shaman point of view as you just admit

Please explain way people are still considering riptide OP? because it cost 273 mana and its instant? Im just trying to understand the hate.