Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

well I certainly appreciate the opportunity to aid the less fortunate
call the horde the soup kitchen

Ok, cool. Jaina, Sylvanas, and Garrosh haven’t been in any of my cross-faction raid groups yet.


Because the alliance is so dead that they need to play with the horde in order to continue to play the game properly.

It has nothing to do with lore, it’s just a functional change to make the QoL of the player better. Things will probably often not make sense going forward, and I’m okay with that. I would much rather not lose the ability to comfortably play half the races.

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Alliance didn’t have enough players to fill raids is why it ultimately happened. They were even filling the hall of fame.

The threat of the world supersedes faction fighting, a momentary pause on that war to stop Azeroth from collapsing is essential.

I still think the Alliance and the Horde should fight afterwards though.

We got cross faction raiding because the game’s population has dropped just that low.

If we still had Cata numbers, Blizzard wouldn’t even entertain the idea.

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Cross faction raiding, M+, and rated PvP are a thing because the difficulty top Alliance players were having making groups was making it harder for these players to play. They had fewer choices for mythic raiding guilds. It was probably hurting their retention and making faction balance worse, at least among competitive players.

Most players do not care. Most guilds are cross faction now, and often players will want to queue in a guild group, even though it is mixed faction. So there is demand for more cross faction, not less.

Older dungeons sometimes had faction-specific versions, so it is unlikely queueing will be changed. More recent dungeons are faction-neutral, so that is not an issue.

If you dont wanna do it then oppt out and let us that like it do it

And it was a very big difference. Pre 9.2.5, there were at least 10x more opportunities to mythic raid on horde than alliance.

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That issue seems to have been resolved seamlessly. Even a longterm Horde player who we all know from his regular forum posts hated Alliance with a passion was able to race change to Alliance because the dwarf racial was advantageous to him.

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Yep, which is why cross faction for pre-made groups isn’t going anywhere.

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cross faction grouping should be not allowed

Like who cares?

It’s pretty simple. Nobody cares about lore. Most players play wow for endgame content. Anything that limits endgame content is a problem. Raiding in particular is hemorrhaging at an alarming rate, so they have to do something. Next expansion there’s going to be cross realm guilds, for instance.

actually false.

if thats true then explain

This is one of the dev’s tweets today.

the in-universe explanation? Horde and Alliance adventurers have always teamed up against 3rd party threats

the in-game explanation? the Alliance playerbase basically died, especially for PvE content, so they did this so that people could actually play the game

I don’t. My guild is cross faction and I like playing with these guys.

On my main that is.


WW2 happened and suddenly I’m driving a Toyota and playing Nintendo.


Most of the top raiding guilds and Mythic Plus groups are Horde. Alliance players were having difficulty finding groups.

Also WoW’s population is around 300k on retail. Blizz had no other option but to smash the factions together.

Your opinion is irrelevant. It’s not going to be reverted. Reverting it would make about as much sense as limiting groups to single realms even though that would instantly cause most realms to die. But purism over profits!

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