Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

Ah yes, there certainly were no major horde characters or events in Shadowlands, no Baine storyline in Dragonflight, Thrall is certainly not the active character in the new trailer… No horde representation at all!

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It’s been often speculated that they only killed Voljin because they were killing off Varian, and if they didn’t off yet-another-warchief at the same time, the Alliance players would have gone berserk.

For some fun jump back in time. Here is my most upvoted post on the forums talking about this very issue.

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Since you aren’t actually reading anything I write, and just making up words in your head that you wish I had written, I’m just going to toss you on the ol’ ignore list, now. Have fun.

killing varian would have achieved equillibrium after garrosh’s demise
horde was on leader 3, alliance on leader 1/1.5

silly goofy really
vol’jins wasted potential just makes me sad

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I have many posts in that thread! :sunglasses:

Want a tinfoil hat, sir?

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i agree 110000% what is this cabbage chomping grass snorting goat doing in MY RAID?!

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They didn’t, though? Sylvanas and Greymane were fighting in Stormheim. Granted, the Legion should and did take center stage, because it’s the Burning Legion. Everyone has stakes with the Legion.

If you mean there wasn’t a big Horde race rep for Argus, I agree they should’ve had at least an orc there. But two characters who stood to have the most payoff against the Legion were Velen and Illidan (Illidan was never in either faction, he always had his own), and they did a good job with them.

Arguably the orcs already had their catharsis against Mannoroth in WC3.

Nothing except the opportunity to play with friends on their mains. Everyone benefits there. Plenty of folks play both factions, too.

I’m really not seeing where you’re getting “Alliance only” game. I still have access to my Horde characters. Alliance players helping me raid a boss so we can get transmog is entirely divorced from the writers having zero imagination besides smacking lore characters with the villain bat.


I wouldn’t say that. Shadowlands proved that lore matters.

Either way OP is wrong on this, not having cross-faction raiding was too detrimental to the game.

As a Horde player, you see Sylvanas for, what, 10 seconds?

Maybe Alliance players see her more, I wouldn’t know.

I haven’t quested in Stormheim for a hot minute so I can’t say I remember exactly how much you personally hang with Sylvanas, but I don’t think we necessarily need to be shoulder to shoulder with our leaders at all times. Usually they give you a command/directive and you go forth.

Like, we basically never hung out with Garrosh. Garrosh’s presence was felt through his supporters and when he did show up personally, it was a big deal.

We do need some sort of interaction with the Horde council in-game though. I did take long breaks around the last halves of BFA and SL and I haven’t seen any quests where you get introduced to the new council? Was it in a book? :[

I rather be able to play with my friends and/or pug. Player accessibility over lore IMO.

I don’t care that in lore a tree got burned down when I’m trying to raid. I want to be able to find people who also want to raid or do dungeons. A wider pool = less wait time.

If you don’t want to play with the other faction, then don’t.


I’m still hoping for cross faction BGs for shorter queues around the clock among other things. :+1:

Your outrage is about 7 to 8 months late.

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water under the bridge, man. got to learn to live and forget.

literally dont get why we have cross faction grouping now.

Jaina committed warcrimes and so did sylvanas. dont even talk to me about garrosh and what he did

So like why are we playing with the opposite faction like nothing happened LOL

Alliance was slowly drying up when it came to end game content.

Would you rather see alliance basically be the casual faction while everyone goes horde?

Player accessibility over story.


Why is the US allied with Germany, Japan and England like nothing happened?

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A) Nice name.
B) Its a game.