Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

Not a large enough playerbase anymore.

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Make love not warcraft is reality now. :heart:
The dark nature old theme of og wow is gone.

Don’t touch me

Because the people who play WoW today and the people who make WoW today both hate WoW.

I mean the players didnt burn the tree down lol, Blizz did it


I wish we actually had more control over what shard we end up in for world PvP. It’s really frustrating when you get ganked on an alt and can’t just head over on your main to mete out justice.

Lol, this post is about an expansion or two late.

When was cross-faction raiding added, last patch of BfA (pre-patch?), or some time during SL?

Some time ago.

And it was because all the raiders moved Horde, that was the go-to faction for both PvE and PvP for a time, now its since evened out since faction matters a bit less.

Next expansion, we’re finally getting cross-faction guilds, I believe.

Most MMO’s I’ve played either don’t have a faction system, or you abandon it to become a mercenary for PvE stuff, so your home faction never mattered anyway, outside of a story perspective. Or, you could just ditch your faction outright.

Gameplay > Everything else.

It was ultimately a good decision, we team-up for any cosmic threats anyway. Lore-wise this changes nothing.

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Not too late when they can fix this next expansion.

well most of your mmos that you played are either dead or doing poorly than wow so yeah.

No you’re not.
You’re not even raiding with anyone and apparently, you never did.


Cross-Faction instances were added in Shadowlands, 9.1 or 9.1.5 I believe. Cross faction guilds were added in Dragonflight, 10.0.7 if I recall correctly.

They did fix it, in Shadowlands bizarre as that may be.

A troll post about raiding groups? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you. Well, no not really.

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Nah, they’re doing fine lol.

Not that you’d know, because you’re just now learning cross-faction is a thing.

Try leaving the forums from time to time.

You are literally the biggest complainer on the forums like got damn dude. Every SINGLE one of your posts is just whining about the same stupid untrue thing for years. If I didn’t know any better I would think you are a bot with an algorithm. You have negative room to say anything about anyone complaining lol. 31569 posts all saying the same thing its actually wild.


if you hate that wait for cross faction, cross realm guilds in the next xpack :slight_smile:

You have to understand that the segment of the playerbase that even takes time to answer something like this, isn’t really the players that actually do any of the real content in the game. Myself and everyone I know do not actually follow any of these outlets. Basically the Uber casuals care about things like this. And while there definitely may be a great deal of those playing, I do not think they make up the majority.

So much this. I wonder why players think it is unrealistic for Alliance and Horde characters to hang out while we IRL have examples of this.


Well I hope you’re prepared to be disappointed.

“The Americans literally nuked two Japanese cities and suddenly we’re allies.”

I would, but I just noticed your name and thus seen your entire hand.

It’s a way to fill out a raid group, I hope they keep it.

Bc it’s overdue and awesome. The faction barrier is long in need of being torn down.

We’ve reached a lore level where we’re no longer faction-bound, and we haven’t truly been since 2008ish. It’s been weird when we get wrapped up in faction conflicts that have little to do with the larger threat.

The burning down the tree thing was dumb, yes. But there was a whole story resolution after that over the course of three expansions that led to this unification between “heroes.”

It was only hard required for priests and only for the darkness phase when orb drops had random drop locations.

There are zero alliance priest kills (all horde are goblin) on KJ until after that nerf to static orb drop locations.

The top few alliance guilds swapped horde or benched their priest.

It would be loosely reminiscent of mythic Razz except there are no Evokers to save people.

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