Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

for completely unrelated-to-recruitment reasons. I got sick and we had to drop a night, we were always a late-tier CE guild, and didn’t have what it takes to do it on the new 2 night schedule.

that has nothing to do with the ease of recruitment hordside vs alliance.

it’s all a moot point now, since we have xfaction guilds. and I think that’s fantastic.


I see. Yeah so isn’t this the same argument as to why rocket jump isn’t needed:

Just as your should be getting BoPed. But it’s progression, stuff happens. The Goblin Jump meant you didn’t burn a rez, the Dwarf Racial keeps you from wiping.

The reason we play these races is to accommodate for that fact that people will make mistakes. Does it have to be done? No. Does it help? YUP!


Yes, but as a racial you can have it on classes without that abilily like priests.


Yes, I remember, you’ve mentioned that before, all I’m doing is suggesting that another factor in easier recruitment might be a shift in what sorts of players you might consider?

Sometimes the size of the net changes, with what we’re looking for, and a wider net will have more people we’re willing to look at.

yeah was just verifying how the jump interacted with the mechanic

like disengage, if you press it when the grip goes off (im thinking of the TotT grip) your jump back is relative to where you are being gripped, not where you are being gripped to

i didnt play legion so i have no clue about m kil’jaeden

The difference here is that the lower end of what is acceptable in a CE guild on Horde are way better players than what the low end of what was okay for CE guilds on Alliance.

The people we would take chance on back in BFA and SL are people nearly all horde guilds would tell to go kick rocks.

I mean… I deliberately don’t go into “Horde players are just better than Alliance players” territory, but if you say so… :wink:

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I’ll do it for sure. The people playing Alliance prior to cross-faction play were, on average, worse than the players on Horde. End of story.

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gameplay > all


If Blizzard would actually set up a Horde writing team, to tell Horde stories with Horde characters for Horde players… a lot of the hate for cross-faction would go away.

The problem is that Blizzard conveniently timed cross-faction with a total abandonment of the Horde in terms of game development.

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Clearly, a laugh out loud moment. Genocide apparently is hilarious.

Who cares?
It’s a damn video game, and an MMO on top of that.
I should be able to play with who I want when I want regardless.


wym you have baine

paragon and jewel of horde storytelling and character development


To the surprise of many, a single “LOL BAINE IS SO STUPID” questline did not satisfy that many Horde players, during Dragonflight.

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they should be honored, they were spoiled by his awe-inspiring, courageous acts during shadowlands

spoiled truly

In the Shadowlands alpha, instead of getting dropped off a cliff by the Jailer, Baine was held in an interdimensional pocket by Venari, where he sat there eating soup.

Not joking.

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exploring the unknown?
encouraging players to keep a balanced and healthy diet?

he’s actually an engaging role model and you’re truly unappreciative of the writing genius at work here

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These two things aren’t related, though.

The big reason we don’t really have much horde content is they kept killing/removing horde characters and that’s been happening for years way before cross faction grouping was on the table.

Honestly, this struck me as less a horde story and more of a tauren story. Getting help with the centaur was why the Mulgore tauren joined the horde, but their actual beef with the centaur went way back before the orcs stepped foot on Azeroth.

Now whether that bit was executed very well is a separate issue. I see what they were going for, but we had opportunities in old world to work with centaur and they could have explored it there. The maruuk centaur just … Had nothing to do with it. Moreover, did they ever clear up whether the maruuk came from that union between that keeper and the earth elemental princess?

Baine having a bit of a prejudiced blind spot to centaur isn’t really unique to him (see: humans and orcs, trolls and elves, etc), but it did strike me as out of character to antagonize the maruuk when our character is around to tell him that they’re longstanding allies of the green flight, and he’s in their land. But, his people were in danger.

I’m not sure other characters get a pass for their hatred because of what they suffered at the hands of X/Y/Z but Baine gets derided for it. Baine also gets derided for advocating for peace. Sooo … Which is it?

Yes, especially since Legion, when the Horde went M.I.A. for 2 years.

But let’s at least be honest, cross-faction gameplay was a one-sided gift to the Alliance playerbase; Horde players got nothing out of it. Except more sand kicked in our face as Blizzard tilted further and further toward an Alliance-only game.

killed vol’jin because writing good and compelling warchief thats not a villain hard

writing bad and not compelling warchief thats villain easy

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