Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

This is a narrative issue, but I don’t see what cross faction grouping has to do with anything?

Now you can just play whatever faction you want, and play with whomever you want.


It used to be, that since the majority of the playerbase was Horde, Blizzard would make a token effort (until Legion) to have Horde content in the game.

Nowadays, from story, to NPC interactions/questing, to overpowered racials to an extent never seen before, Blizzard is just in full-on “we’d rather you just not play Horde” mode.

I don’t know, there have been times in the past where Horde racials were nearly as gamebreaking as dwarf currently is. Blood Elf Silence, Goblin Rocket Jump etc.


Which Mythic raid boss mechanics were entirely negated? Refresh my memory.

Kil’jaeden knockback. Literally every knockback that would send someone off a platform.


Mythic Kil’Jaeden, Mythic Mekkatorque for Goblin Jump

Nearly all of legion Mythic plus was centralized around a kite meta which meant that you had players using Belf silence to lockdown casters.

Prior to nerfs, Orc and Troll were far and away the best dps racials in the game. In Classic Wrath the only way to top parse as an Unholy DK was to play troll.

You couldn’t not rank 1 without it.

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It’s always easy to spot people who didn’t do Mythic Kil’jaeden, because they trot out the tall tale that rocket jump was important on Mythic Kil’jaeden. The cooldown was too long, and the distance too short (it was a big platform) to actually be relevant.

We had some people who flipped to try it; they didn’t see it as a particular benefit.

Mekkatorque? Really? I haven’t heard that before. For which mechanic?

Was that back when Berserking’s bonus was based on how close to death you were? I always thought that was funny.

I mean, you can say that it wasn’t impactful, but the best Alliance guild on NA literally transferred Horde because of Goblin Jump. Easy on Aerie Peak.


Distance was irrelevant, it reset your movement and you didn’t get pushed off.


The gravitational lapse would send you into the air and kill you if you couldn’t negate it, get gripped, or have slow fall.

It was just easy to be goblin and not worry about someone saving your life than to pray your mage/priest were going to be your hero.


You shouldn’t be getting pushed off anyway, KJ was all about roars and wind rushes to get the raid as a whole where they needed to be, not people popping rando personal buttons they could only use once.

I mean sure, you shouldn’t be, but stuff happens on prog, you’re out of position, you’re still learning etc. Jump just keeps you from Burning a battle rez.

By that same logic you you don’t need to be Dwarf on Fyrakk because your healers can just dispell you. But we all know how that goes.


I see.

So anyway, as the solo tank on Mythic Sark, if I don’t get my BoP for whatever reason, there are two options:

  1. We wipe
  2. I’m a Dwarf, and we don’t

So how is that comparable to somebody not needing a grip on Mekkatorque?

You burn a battle rez on a dead person, your tank dies, you wipe.

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If I’m not a Dwarf, we wipe right then and there on Sark because the boss resets.

No additional factors needed.

it was. no matter how much you state otherwise. as someone who was alliance, then finally swapped to horde, it was MUCH easier hordeside to manage the roster. pretending otherwise is just silly.


Yet your prog dropped after you switched.

Can’t you just get BoPed? Hpal comes up, Bubbles and BoPs the tank.

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I covered that a few posts up.

it is the same as disengaging during a grip?
i havent played goblin much but ive played hunter