Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

Icecrown they were not working together, there was random infighting there. We were working together as far back as Mount Hyjal (WC3 or Caverns of time), again in Ahn’Qiraj, and then some more early on in wrath. Most of the time it is not a united front so directly but both groups have a common enemy, like all of the legion raids.

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The game flipped from 52/48 Alliance/Horde in Legion to 48/52 Alliance/Horde in BfA.

It was an incremental change.

And the Alliance players never had a problem with a 52/48 imbalance during all the years they were in the majority.

It started with a dps difference in racials, primarily dps but then eventually utility with Goblin jump on fights like KJ in Tomb.

But eventually it spiraled into a population thing. Why would you ever choose the faction that has 10% of the raiding population? You wouldn’t, and people didn’t.

Remember when Sylvanas was everywhere in BfA?

Also, Thrall was literally the Earth Warder during Dragonsoul.


It makes more sense to have functional instanced content for the long term health of the game.

As to lore reasons: The person responsible was punished and condemned to hell.

Racials mean dick-all. Oooh. I can remove a bleed, poison, disease, curse, or magic every two minutes! Such imbalance! /s

General population, yes. But raiding population it was like 80-20. Horde-Alliance.


Which Horde character was in AQ helping out Alliance raid teams?

I can’t seem to remember.

Which Horde character was helping out Alliance raid teams in Naxx?
In Ulduar?

You’re confusing “EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE ALLIANCE” (which is, and always has been, true) with “cross-faction”.

No it wasn’t. Were there more Horde raiders than Alliance? Sure, there had been more Horde raiders since Burning Crusade.

But that’s because a huge portion of the Alliance playerbase was outwardly hostile to raiders.

Let’s be honest: Darn was ergonomic hell.,the%20Scarab%20Wall%20in%20Silithus.

Here’s the lore for you.

As a Horde player, no, actually. She shows up at the start of the expansion for a few seconds to send you to talk to Nathanos, and then she’s there at Rastakhan’s funeral.

You don’t see her, other than that.

There’s no question that having Thrall interact with Alliance players in Cataclysm was a huge mistake, they should have been working with Malfurion.

You can look at data of kills. Start in BFA, and go through the tiers and click through the top 1000 kills. Horde is massively over represented with the exception of the OCE region.

We’re talking about raid instances, please read the thread.

Like I said, there were more Horde guilds ever since Burning Crusade. I’ve never disputed that.

But 80-20? No.

It’s the majority, by an enormous margin.

But that aside, without mentioning racials bonuses which we agree are problematic, what is the downside of having cross faction grouping and guilds?


Blizzard isn’t even trying anymore to pretend that the Horde exists.

You’re using the cases where big NPCs in the raid were explicitly faction fellows.

To give a few more examples, both parts of Ahn’qiraj were the endgame of a unified Horde and Alliance effort, everything that happened at Ulduar was members of both factions working with Brann Bronzebeard and the Kirin Tor. When the plot gives both factions a reason to be there, they both usually help deal with it.


Nah, you are talking about the instances that frequently have no friendly NPCs inside, lore wise the factions work together frequently around the raids that are in game.


I was replying to this guy:

Oh, wait, that’s you!