Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

Every single “non-standard” guild I know of that was raiding in BFA was, with the exception of a single guild, dead or Horde by the end of BFA.


Cats and Bears also like to gnaw on bones. I guess grouping with Forsaken is tossing the NE’s a bone, literally and figuratively.

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I’m glad I don’t do any content where this actually matters. I don’t wanna play a dwarf. not my thing. lol. besides I like having my camp.

Gameplay reasons for the most part, but they’ve been pushing the story largely in that direction as well. I mean, look at the events surrounding Amirdrassil and Bel’ameth. With the establishment of the latter, even Tyrande herself has pretty much moved on from the War of the Thorns and the destruction of Darnassus/Teldrassil by now.

Splitting the playerbase is horrible for the game, considering its population has dwindled of the years.
Everything should be cross faction except world pvp and cities at this point


It was fine when the player base was bigger.

Wait night elf druid? Ewwww, im sorry that you have to experience that… OMG

Or just delete the Alliance and roll all their characters over to the Horde, if the problem was “nobody plays Alliance anymore”.

Instead, Blizzard put in cross-faction to cater to Alliance players, and has been giving a big middle finger to the majority (Horde) players ever since by making the game all about the Alliance.

I mean they have effectively done this. Faction at this point is just an aesthetic outside of the niche issues that racials bring about.

Except they deleted the Horde.

I’m not sure I understand how.


While I wish that was true, factions sadly have some stupid interactions still in like chat channels and trading items being more convoluted.

Except they didn’t.


The stories are all about the big name Alliance NPC’s, and as a Horde player all you do is follow Alliance characters around and do what they tell you to.

Been that way since Legion, in fact.


Oh, I can’t really speak to what is going on in the story, I have no idea about any of that, I just kill dragons.


Even when we were at war, like 90% of the raids have been “the Alliance and Horde work together to deal with a big problem, there is sometimes a third party group there too”

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Pre-Shadowlands, it actually only happened 4 times:
Eternal Palace
Siege of Orgrimmar
Icecrown Citadel
Dragon Soul

If 4 raids is “90%” then I’ve been hallucinating a lot of raids that never happened, all these years.

The only time that we had characters of either faction in the main story this expansion was the Night Elf Reconstruction arc, which serves as a parallel to the Forsakena Reconstruction arc. We had tons of side stories, including with Baine as he went on the Tauren quest.


Seriously, that’s NOT why.

Factions were imbalanced because the 1% would always flock to one faction or another, so everyone with a small brain decided to follow suit because they thought it made them better to be on that faction. A little imbalance begat a large imbalance, and the snowball effect started.

It had nothing to do with HoF, in that it wasn’t the direct cause of the imbalance.


and I hope they expand on it

best thing they’ve done since m+.


Parallel, you say?

I missed the patch artwork that had a Forsaken character as one of the dragon aspects, to parallel this:

Can you point me to where I can find it, please?