It's time to up the max character limit


Those people can ask for what they want then.

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You know they just added 50 more character slots to my account for Classic right?

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You know that Classic doesn’t run on their Classic Hardware, right?

“Wasn’t” is past tense. I know that reading is hard for you, but I’m saying that Blizzard can afford to increase the character limit because storage no longer costs that much.

And gives them double the space! :grin:

I think this is partially why we have the transfer to another account option when buying because they know there’s some people dedicated enough to want to make that many.

I sadly have two active accounts also, probably not the same reason as OP but it does just generally make life easier (I can party sync with myself, can work on dungeon achievements for lockouts etc).

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There is more involved then just the storage costs and you don’t have the numbers for comparison anyway. I know that reading is hard for you, my point is storage space hasn’t been an issue for a very long time. It can even be argued that it never was a problem.

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Wouldn’t mind it all, if they upped the max limit at least 5. Not everyone can shell out $ for another account, and subscription. I have right at 40 at 100, and above on my account, and that’s just 90% core races with a few allied races in the mix. Pretty sure once I level up the rest of the allied races in the classes, and specs would play them on I would be over 50 characters easily.

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We all know Blizzard can easily change it, but they haven’t and I was just tossing out the maybe reasoning why.

I don’t need the specific amount of disk space that a character takes up to know that commercial data storage prices are less than they used to be.

What you wrote never implicitly or explicitly made that point. You’re a terrible reader and an even worse writer. Don’t try to turn reading comprehension back on me when you are the one who failed to actually make the point you claim.

Classic does not run on the old hardware they kept in the attic from original WoW. It runs on brand new hardware.

No it can’t. Blizzard inarguably underestimated demand on their hardware. They have explicitly said this.

The character limit used to be even lower. It was raised to 50 when they upgraded their hardware.

Yeah, you are.

You’re clearly not old enough to use the internet without parental permission

So you got permission from your parents today?

Link your source.

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I’m fairly sure that they keep the cap where it’s at for economic purposes. Like I’m sitting on 21 120’s, so when the 2k emissaries come up I can make 42k in an hour. With the leveling changes, I imagine I’ll cap out out my account as well. Granted they are nerfing a lot of raw gold sources, but I imagine they won’t want to buff it by adding character slots. I currently have to delete level 90+ characters to make room as well (I’m not deleting my forum avatar, I’ll never get the name again :frowning:) I imagine not being too upset deleting max level characters after the revamp if I need something somewhere else.

I won’t be linking anything for a petulant child. Google it. It’s the reason WoW crashed continuously and had massive queues on launch. It’s common knowledge for adults.

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I knew you were making it up. Character storage causing massive queues on launch.

And I was just tossing out that what you said is wrong. It’s the most minor programming change imaginable.

Oh? I’m wrong? So I guess you work for Blizzard and have the inside intel on why the haven’t bothered to change there character limit?

I would run 90% of them up to some level and lock in that content and then spend weeks trying to find perfect mogs for the. At that point, they are important enough to me to keep, so i dont want to just delete and start over.
ive only been playing for 3 years and 50 isnt enough for me. I cant imagine players like me who’ve been playing for a decade or more trying to decide what to delete.


After being inactive those names are released. Even if your account is active.

Log in at start of every expansion to prevent this.

At this point I’ve deleted just about all the chars I can. Deleting more starts cutting into characters with value of some kind or another, which is a crap decision to have to make in a game.


how many characters can we have deleted that can be restored?
I mean, can we have 50 characters that are higher level that we can restore if we wanted to play them again?
That might be a ‘fix’ if they dont get deleted.