It's time to unlock all classes for every race

I honestly think that movement is hilarious: “There are no physical differences between an Elf, a Human, and a Dwarf”

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Ugh it’s so boring, and removes all individuality. I want to play an extraordinarily tough, slow elf, if I want to. Or a dainty, polite dwarf who loves crochet and long knives. You can stick your +2 stam, I’ll take the dex pls.

Nothing is stopping you. A stat score of +5 instead of +3 (lowest roll) is still exceptionally bad.

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Honestly, the way magic/skill works in Warcraft the argument has a solid ground to stand on. Anyone can learn to pick up a sword, or bow, or daggers. Anyone can be taught how to throw a fireball, or make a deal with demons, or learn to commune with the elements, or pray to the great flaming ball in the sky.

Cultural differences can dissuade an individual from following a certain path, but that doesn’t prevent someone from ‘going against the grain,’ so to speak.

I haven’t read any Demon Hunter books to know if they can’t use anyone apart from elves or if they just didn’t cause Illidan, so I won’t argue that point.

The only real preventing component, biologically would be void elf, and perhaps, undead paladins. We have been shown what happens when the Light and the Void try to come together: kaboom! Alleria and Turalyon story, WoD’s dark star cinematic (boom naaru), Alleria visiting the Sunwell… they don’t mix. As for Undead? We kinda have one example, but I’m not really convinced Zeliek wasn’t more of a priest than a paladin by that point (kinda like Anduin). Being infused with the Light tends to kill the undead we fight, so that’s kind of a tough one to justify.

I can see both sides of the argument, but trying to claim “but the lore!” is just ignorant when we are supposed to be ‘the chosen one.’ Doubly so with the new starting zone they added where you’re already an established member of the Alliance where you’d have met teachers of every class in the capitol before going on that boat.

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