It's time to unlock all classes for every race



No it’s not. Racial identity includes not all races being all classes. I hate homogenization and how boring games feel when everyone can be everything. It’s crap, imo. And it’s one of the reasons this game still has some unique flavor.

Leave it alone, imo.


We can say this, as the difference between meta race choice and non meta choice is so small we could call it margin of error. And yes, kind of, that is my point. The two are set identically in many ways as to how faiths/religions specifically work, which is not like most people think (i.e. faith =/=religion, light =/=god). I used that to show how in the same setting we used the same tools to reach the same end. The fact it was DnD matters little what’s important is how they function in the capacity of racial/class conflicts, which again is dang near identical due to Warcraft being so closely tied lore wise.

While I can understand your feeling I fail to see your argument, or why my topic is relevant to it. I think all classes should be opened up, and I showed how the game already shows us it can and Should be done. How would that dumb it down, or make it feel like any less of an mmorpg? Have a choice, more diversity, and consequences to choices you make? Tf do you think the core values of an rpg are homie?

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Mainly for the lore reasons

Which are what exactly? And do you mean undead paladin specifically, another race, or in general?

You’re confusing idencitcal and based off of with inspired from.

DnD also has weapon skills and there are negatives of being a certian race/class combo should that also come with it?

Or should WoW be WoW and DnD be DnD


It would make the races mostly irrelevant and just another skin to choose. No one cares what race they are in Old Republic unless they think it looks cool. They don’t give a crap about bckstory, racial identity, etc. It’s just another skin. And it’s boring.

And if they open up all classes to all races, you know the next whine from people will be “no one wants a [insert race] [insert class] because racials make it crap compared to [insert race] that makes it better.”


I’d be a tauren mage if I could. It’s the horde race that appeals the most to me, but unfortunately it’s the only one that can’t be mages. I ended up sacrificing looks for playstyle back when I made this character, but it was a somewhat easier choice back then because transmog didn’t exist.

I still tend to come back to mage as a class most often, but it kinda sucks that the race I’d want to play isn’t compatible with the class I want to be.

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All except for elves

They should stay restricted to their current options

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Will always support every class/race combo if it’s not physically impossible. I enjoy individuality over strong arm restrictions.

This as well.

My point isn’t that WoW and DnD are the same. You are confusing a single remark with the argument whole. The point is in Warfract specifically we have undead priest using abilities of light, in what most would say is a holy display. We even have an Undead paladin (maybe, its debatable). We have horde paladins. We have aqll the tools that yes, undead could and in theroy would be a thing. Why should a paladin who becomes undead not remain a champion to his cause? Why can one chose a new faith and be a priest, but not a paladin who would face the same challenges and pain and hardships, as well as moral qualms with their nature?

Focus on the DnD bit if you want but I’m all to happy to keep it strictly WoW. As I stated, the lore provides :wink:

The whole point is race does not matter
are you being racist? /s (sort of)

unlock your subscription from your account

Races still have their uniqueness based off of their lore and culture. Give everyone everything and that’s gone. The only thing people will cry about is meta for racials.

Also: don’t be ridiculous with the other part of your statement. :roll_eyes:


If this ever happens, I’m brining my Tauren Rogue out from the Secret Cow Level in Thunder Bluff and into the open.

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It was ridiculous and not at all serious, but it does make the point that race shouldn’t matter for class. Yes they all have their own cultures, but not all members of the race will adhere to that. There ARE ones who dont, because thats how people work.

you literally don’t deserve to have a conversation card

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And yet


And Blizz said back in Legion that our player characters DO adhere to that. The special snowflake NPC characters are rare and meant to be so. Cultural identity matters.

Yup, I’m out after that bs from him.


There would be so many Tauren rogues just for the luls.


I would like some RPG aspects which still exist in this already too shallow MMORPG, like distinct cultures / races, to actually remain just a little relevant.

So no. I disagree 100%. Certain restrictions make for better immersion and more fun. Feel free to disagree because it is just my personal opinion.