“its time” is the worst opinion to use to suggest or want things. no faction mounts should be remain restricted everything should hard to get all the account wide pets mounts and collectables should never have become account wide it took away things to earn on your characters as such less content and less time playing wow.
Can we please try and keep at least one thing faction based? I mean we can join groups together now and the whole horde vs alliance thing is gone. At least keep this one thing left to separate the 2 factions.
eat your tears voidemo’s
nothing pisses me off more than being on my warlock who actually earned the original tier 3 plagueheart set from original naxx than seeing a mage or priest running around with it transmogged because they bought it from the bmah. salty salty salty.
I was going to say it would be weird to see someone using the opposite factions PvP mount, but that feels thematically on brand for war.
Yeah the only ones that make sense to restrict are ones specifically tailored to reflect the specific faction.
If I may step in and be a voice of reason: You all have access to Cloud Serpents.
You’re welcome.
While I agree as you can see I got a mix of the armors cause at one point I has the set but sold it. I refuse to us the BMAH to get the old stuff back cause I didn’t keep it and that’s on me. Some times I ask people did you earn that or buy it. I don’t hate em for it but I do wish Blizzard would have done something to set the BMAH stuff apart from the old school players who earned it back in the day.
If my dwarves could use my horde mounts I would be so happy.
Although Yea I wish I could just make em fully horde. Dark iron!!!
And my mechagnomes.
Not all Horde players got it only people who were active at the time like you may have to pay 100k gold for it sure but atleast you can get it if you’re on horde you miss out