It’s time to remove the faction mount restrictions. We already have cross faction play in different areas of the game and theres been mount types like worgs, eleks, hawkstriders, kodos, rams, etc. that have been faction neutral for quite some time. Tie it into the double agent acheeve or something.
NO! The bee is ours! Forever!
But the Gryphons are sacred!
its time to remove armor type transmog restricitons. They already have vendors that sell cloth robes that any character can wear in SL, and it is not game-breaking. My Pally runs around with nothing other than a cloth robe and sandals
It would be pretty awkward to stable them next to a bunch of dire wolves, to be fair.
I’ve had a griffon on horde for ages it’s not that sacred…
You better have kept their feathers clean!
Screw you, and your stupid bee. Sometimes, we Horde want nice things, is that really too much to ask? I just want to see cute little vulpera’s ride the mount. Or even a big fat tauren.
You got a free motorcycle mount. Alliance has to pay 100k for theirs.
Yeah, and you get a cute little bee while we get some stupid ugly mount. Win, win.
I think obtaining it should still require an Alliance character, but perhaps it could be used cross faction. It would only be fair for some, if not all of the exclusive Horde mounts to work the same way. Not a big deal to me either way, but I think it could work in a way that satisfies both sides.
huge agree OP! if they’re heading into a direction where factions are united, then faction specific mounts (including vicious mounts) need to be rewarded to all players.
thanks, i’ll be waiting for my white skeleton horse
The mind as well remove the factions if your gonna do that… Horde can goto SW and Alliance can goto Org
if factions are going to be erased, i think that’s implied.
i don’t care anymore, i just want the mounts
It’s never gonna happen. Plus it’s hard coded.
Let’s not. I’m tired of faction stuff becoming nothing important. I would like for factions to have some semblance of identity.
I’m in favour of this, I have a troll that I roleplay as a Frostmane and I really wanna ride on a Ram with him cause that is the mount they use but there is only one Ram horde can use, the Brewfest Ram. I also wish my Velf could use more Hawkstriders cause I roleplay him as just a regular high elf so i don’t really wanna use the fancy void one for him.
You will pry the mechanostriders out of my gnome’s cold, dead, fingers.
for the existence of the Crossfaction it would be a good idea, the void hawkstrider are for the true Sin’doreis, stay away you disgusting emos traitors of the alliance, it will never be Helfs for that reason.
You literally exiled the Velves for studying the void and now you want access to the void infused hawkstrider? Wut.