It's time to nerf Sap

Thank you for providing lulz to rogues. They really need some easy meat like you sometimes, who doesn’t know when to eat a DR or save trinket for something that matters. It’s important enrichment for them to play someone like a fiddle.


ok tehn how about u duel me an find out ?

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Cool, then I feel no shame in completely disregarding your baseless opinion. ^^


Considering sap is only useful out of combat it dosent need a nerf


Sap should de-stealth the rogue when it’s used. I mean, come on. If stabbing someone breaks stealth, hitting them over the head with a blunt instrument should too. It’s the same thing!


Rogues can be tough if you don’t know how to deal with them. However, they can’t handle damage once exposed so, it makes sense that they’d get this advantage. It is, after all, the calling card of a rogue, to strike undetected and fade disappear without a trace.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I love my sap. I named it “Skippy”! Skippy the Sap Happy is it’s full name.

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Rogue has high death rates at low mmr but when you get higher on the ladder they become borderline unkillable, outlaw especially.

Rogues are overly complicated and convoluted for no reason. They are one of the least played classes.

A glass cannon without the cannon part.

Do you really need to complain about one ability they have that cant even be used in combat?

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Buff sap. No DR, let’s go!

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sap can not be spammed in pvp due to DR effects we have in pvp
and if you are pvping alot why are you not an orc?

no it should not it was like that in the vanilla days nothing will change on sap

Found your problem right there. Never trinket sap. The rogue can’t do anything to you when you’re sapped other than laugh. It’s when you burn your trinket on sap that they know you are easy meat.

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Nerf BM hunters instead.

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I can see very niche issues in non ideal circumstances where you would…

Aka your a mage but your solo rated team is making you base sit and you cant cast anything on the rogue capping from cloak of shadows.

That said its not a situation you should be in but solo bgs be wild.

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I’m not a super fan of sap in pvp, but I don’t seem to sustain damage while in sap. It seems to be castable three times in a row, which is a bit much. My pvp stun trink seems to get me out of it, but only once.

Those…ahem… wonderful rogues like to hang out by the termination point of the mine carts. Usually an aoe spell like blizzard reveals them.

Also changing to a castable aura like snow drift or remorseless winter seems to work against sap, but it has a cooldown.

I mean I guess there may be a situation or two when you’d be desperate to stop a cap and may use it. You’re still at a disadvantage in the ensuing fight but you saved the flag.

As a general rule it’s a sign to a rogue that you’re about to be an easy gank though.

O for sure… most will just blind you and cap anyways its a desperation move from a class that has no business protecting a cap.

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Yep with blind as a backup you’re buying a few seconds for someone else to get there at best or hoping it’s on CD.

Sap has Diminishing Returns, so no, it is in fact not spammable.