Its time to hire people to ban bots!

its time to hire people to ban bots.

That’s all.


Players create bots to hunt down and kill the other bots. I see no way that this could end up badly.

good idea.

make the bots lootable on kill :slight_smile:

Have you seen the movie Blade runner?

Just put a mechanic where mobs summon you to them if you stand on a “safe spot” while in combat. I have seen this used in other MMOs.

I’ve seen it happen on Razorgore, I think it also happens when people try to run away from Firemaw.

OHHHH MAN I can be rich!

I hate bots as much as the other but Blizzard doesn’t want classic to do well. They want you to hate it so Shadowlands sells. Marketing manipulation… Making you mad makes them money

Also the amount of bots they would ban would cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars in subscriptions

We’re doomed

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too much doom and gloom for me man, mabye there are some people who feel that way, but the big bosses dont want that at all, all they care about is money and Classic wow is like pure profit margins because the development team is microscopic compared to retail.

Blizzard doesn’t make money off of bots.

Current retail yes, Shadowlands no

Getting players to move over to retail now wouldn’t work. This is why there is a shadowlands hype. When was the last time we seen the alpha available to content creators like this. They keep hyping it up and letting issue draw out in Classic wow so people will make the switch later on.

I think they will ban the bots eventually but long after the damage has been done

You have to have a subscription to your account to play.

Legion, like the whole alpha soon as it went from closed friends and family only to open alpha. it was legit a 100% hype train, they took little to zero feedback.

Players are inactive but the accounts are not and they’re being paid for by stolen credit cards. I don’t see them saying they returned these funds. Either way I hope this is true and I have faith that it is

Ah you’re right there was alot of coverage on the Alpha. My mistake but I still think they’re marketing players in this negative manner

I think the bank takes the money back automatically.

As for Shadowlands, we can hope they do a great job on it, and return to more of a traditional wow style, but blizzard has a very long way to go if they want that. right now on the alpha its in need of a lot of love on the class side of design. The covenants stink of artifact weapon system or azurite system, whatever you want to call it, it looking like it will be an endless grind to some degree that requires you log on for certain things. This is actually one of the reasons why Classic is just so nice, you can if you like raid log, and play very casually or you can get super serious like some people do. I find my self very much on the casual side of things, but not a raid logger either, I just enjoy the world content and world pvp, but also love the raids because the atmosphere of the group is so good.

Retail raids are really really good, but there is a problem with them, they have gotten a little too crazyballs, and that is somewhat of a turn off for a lot of people, and I get that, myself included there. As for the world content of shadowlands, it does not look too promising because Torgast as amazing as a mini diablo game is, I suspect they are leaning too much on that for replay value because it provides from what I understand a good upgrade path.

Overall Shadowlands is looking like a hybrid of Legion and WoD to a lessor degree WoD. I lump WoD in because of the garrison, and that is the tie in, the garrison being over budgeted is what they are doing with Torgast, but that is only my opinion. The Covanants are basically the Artifact weapons all over again, just in a different form.

The classes are kinda sorta half way between Legion and WoD also, they are not as good as WoD and no where near as good as Mists, Cata, wrath or TBC, but they are not as horrid as Legion either. This is all my observation and opinion, but who knows maybe blizzard is no where near done and they have lots more stuff to add, I can hope, but count me skeptical.

I have the same fears man, I don’t want repeats of what happened in Wod/Legion with garrisons and AP grinding. If not for classic I would no longer be subbed. If SL has that super grindy you have to do it to be viable crap, it will be the last expansion I ever play

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Well, we can be thankful that Classic is so much fun, and if you dont want TBC then stick to classic wow and join a fresh server when they come out, play a different class or even faction and have a new experience. So far Classic WoW has been a blast, I just hope they crush the bots.

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It’s time to hire GMs to spin the content on servers in amusing/interactive ways.

Imagine what he could do. If he found botters, he could open up a quest with those people flagged as quet objective to kill, or impede for x amount of time.

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I have been loving this. Working on my 4th 60 right now lol