It's time to go back to MoP to SL Talent System. (lets talk about it)

No thanks. This feels so much better than before. I’d just like more customizability and less functionality baked in.

Leveling in classic is kind of annoying so don’t blame you.

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You’re arguing to argue.
Probably a blizz employee.

Paladin hasn’t been in my top 3 mains for a decade.
Arguing to argue.

If I was a Blizz employee, I’d have the bruto mount, which you can clearly see that I don’t.

Ok so 2 paladins and 1 unknown want the talent tree to be changed.

1 Paladin, 2 mage, 2 DK, 1 Druid, 3 Hunters, 1 Shaman, 1 warlock, 2 priest and 1 warrior like the current talent tree.

Safe to say which talent tree is more successful just by this thread alone.

You can’t count me. I have at least 2 of each of the ones you listed.
I enjoy all of them.

I just counted 1 otherwise I’d have to do the same myself.

Its just keeping track of who is for and against the MoP talent tree.

From what I saw in just this thread, 2-3 are for. The rest are against.

That’s pretty telling. But as someone who has played all the xpacs. Less in this case, is not more.
I’ve seen posts calling for classic talents to come back. Those are arguably the worst since most were things like +1% hit rating for a specific weapon. +1% crit… etc.

At least mop talents were actual abilities that made a big difference lol.

perish the thought of having to put any thought into building your character in an rpg

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I guess I’m more against MoP talent tree because I was maining a BDK then, didn’t matter what expansion it was. We just had 1 build, no options of changing to anything else based on fight.

That was pretty much any class and any build. You had one viable option for each slot.

It was the definition of cookie cutter.
Thankfully mops saving grace was the content lol.

Frost DK ended up having options later on, Obliteration vs BoS.

Eh, large talent tree > small cookie-cutter one.

At least I can have fun and make silly gimped builds with the large trees.

Or a build that’s mostly passives or something.


Blizz employees hardly play the game, and they don’t get freebies.
In fact, extra hours were paid in blizzard bucks, not sure if they still are.
Nice dodge, though.
You sound even more like a blizz employee.

Now you sound like blizz logic even more. Very goofy.
Everyone knows that taking abilties that weren’t on the talent trees and giving them a cost, like interrupts, was a bad idea. Again, there’s no argument against that. Interrupts should be baseline for example.
I’m not even invested in this. Blizz is actively designing the game to be worse with every patch, not better, so we won’t get the mop trees back again any time soon.

I played unholy. I don’t remember having more than 1 option hah.

I know lock was situational. But was still 1 or the other. The 3rd option was always ignored. Defeated the purpose of being able to choose 1/3

Anybody who thinks the old shrubs were anything other than the steaming pile of crap they were, please go to this link and take a look at the Guardian Druid “talents”.

That’s from Shadowlands. That’s after they had EIGHT YEARS under the shrub system to try and make it anything other than completely worthless. And they still couldn’t manage.

That was so bad, it went beyond “there aren’t any choices here” but well into “it really doesn’t matter if you don’t take any talents at all” for several rows.


Yeah unholy was stuck with 1, I think thats why I played frost in Legion. Another choice if I wasn’t feeling BoS at the time.

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I despised frost dw. I was a 2h frost main until that wasn’t viable and have been unholy since.
Which sucked because I started legion as frost 2h and got met with dw weapons :joy:

Should have been Frostmourne :frowning:

There’d probably be a good middleground between the MoP-to-SL system and this one. Not a big fan of the hero talents, either. Just not really enough for the 20 year turning point of the game IMO.


Tbh I would have preferred shadowmourne since we used parts of frostmourne anyway to craft it.
It was a perfectly canon legendary to reuse.
Perfect opportunity for shadow/frost fun. And it would have been a 2h.