It's time to go back to MoP to SL Talent System. (lets talk about it)

WoD used the talent tree being asked for in this thread. So if anything, Snozay just gave a reason not to change the current talent tree.

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That could be failing their rotation honestly.

I just ran norm brd with another bm hunter that had 20ilvls on me, but I was out dpsing them.
The difference between being practiced and facemashing.

Tbh I love it.
I’ve gone dracthyr on my rogue and war as well. My priest is next. (My dk main would have been an instant race change if that was an option)

Glide and wing knockback have been very useful and it’s just fun to run around double jump gliding everywhere.

I did trip my friend out just now hah.
My hunter has been human since her creation. We ran an m+ and towards the end, they just saw my new dracthyr name tag and freaked out I was in human form lol.

Immediately got on her mage and did the same.

But I highly recommend. It’s a lot of fun.

You’re right. You don’t have any argument.

We dan always go back to proving ground s

Not even close.

Wow was at its peak with more complicated trees like we have now. Are you so new to the game you think the WoD talent trees were original?

Tbh I don’t play paladin at all so just going off of hearsay

I have been debating it. Might run some sims to see if it’s a dps loss.

I don’t think the game should be streamlined to appeal to stupid ppl… sorry.

No, the new Talent trees are still the best the game has ever had. The MoP trees felt awful.

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That’s not a bad idea, I usually use bloodmallet, but its somehow saying vulpera is best horde race for bm… which confuses me.

Paladin are insane right now so if they aren’t performing… it’s 100% user error lol.

It’s probably a bit. You gain mastery as a racial, but meh. It’s negligible over all. You are probably talking very very small .0x% in damage.

Last I checked, dracthyr weren’t updated yet.

At max level on this hunter, I gain 1.9% mastery from my awakened racial.
So if mastery isn’t good for you, it’s probably a slight overall damage lose.

Also hah you weren’t kidding!
On my end though, I see LF spacegoats then vulpera as 2nd. That’s so weird.

Probably because their dirty tricks racial works with shadow damage and DR Hunter is a ton of shadow damage.

Talent tree had nothing to do with the content droughts and garrison perception.
It’s crazy how many of you people argue to keep things poorly designed in the face of people who want things to improve, often times asking for features back that worked better than modern times.
Arguing to argue I guess.

Ah good point. Not used to being an instance cast caster these days.

So are you saying the garrison caused the ability prune which alot of us hated?

So far, still just 3 paladins against the current talent tree.

Wasn’t wod when they gutted a lot of abilities?

People didn’t just quit over the drought, but bad design overall.
And I’ve seen more pro this current talent system than against. Even in this very thread more are saying no to mop style lol.

Yep, so lack of choice in talent tree plus abilities being removed.

That and all specs trees were the same except for Priest where Shadow was a bit different iirc. Class design was overall boring… on top of killing off range SV Hunter. :weary:

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It’s pretty telling that wod is my least remembered xpac.

I honestly couldn’t tell you what I did then. But I could tell you what I did in wrath, cata, mop, legion, and so on lol.

For some reason I never did blackrock foundry, did highmaul a couple of times and HFC maybe entered twice. Most of the time I just sat in my garrison.

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Yup that sounds about right. I touched every raid at least once.

I got my lego ring and aotc moose… I remember doing SOME dailies in tanaan.
And a lot of garrison time rofl.

I have zero memory of this xD
I’d say that tells how boring everything was.

Like I remember cata molten front dailies. Tol barad. How fun FL was.
A lot of mop karasang pvp.

Wod… I sat at my naval yard?

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I kind of ruined my cata memories, only because I’m rewritten them with cata classic… firelands release in just over a week.

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I really wanted to play cata classic, but I’ve been enjoying retail too much.
Trying to find the time to also level a classic toon and the dailies and stuff hah. Yea idk.