It's time to fix Spell Reflect and Spell Block

Hold on, explain to me how Spell Block isn’t working. The tooltip states that you are able to block spells for 30 sec, which would imply it uses the standard block chance for melee, jumping to 100% when activating Shield Block.

Is this not happening at current?

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not consistently

Which part isn’t, the standard block mechanic used against spells or when Shield Block is active?

Spell Block - “you are able to block spells for the next 30s.” That’s all it says. No other flavor text or “gotchas” listed here. I have no idea and neither would most newer players how to interpret that in any other way than “any spell chucked at me for the next … seconds is blocked” . That is never how this ability works. There are times when I’ll hit it and it will always block some big nuke and then there will be times when I hit it and it won’t work at all. And then I read a bunch of excuses on the forums as to why that is but none of this info is in the tooltip or present for the warrior in the UI so i’m calling it a design fail.

Same with Spell Reflect. I happen to know there are limitations to this but only from my years of playing. I still think they need to do a better job at NOT making things spell reflectable but then making things that SHOULDn’T be…be…if that makes sense.

I can’t speak to Reflect, but the Spell Block tooltip seems clear to me. It states that you are “able” to block spells for 30 seconds. This is how Prot Paladin block works all of the time, as they can block both melee and spell attacks naturally.

Standard block chance is usually in the 30-40% range for Warriors, and becomes 100% while using Shield Block. Furthermore with any blocking, you must be facing your attacker for it to take effect. I’ll see if I can find a caster to duel today who would be willing to help me test this with and without Shield Block up. I currently run this talent in pvp but never bothered to check my logs.

I’ll be honest, it’s impressive the length you’ve gone to prove you don’t understand basic mechanics.

I think a few of you people are taking certian things for granted. I’m not a new player either, but I think that after 20+ years of this game…it’s not a big ask to clarify tooltips and to stop expecting everyone to read a disseration to use a basic ability.

I’m willing to accept that I may only notice when an ability DOESN’T work but, at the end of the day, it should work all the time or none of the time. All of the little gotchas are just stupid and unnecessary at this point. If you cast a spell @ me and it’s considered “magic” …it’s a spell…it’s reflectable or deflectable if I use SR or SB…period end of statement.
That is how I want it to work and I dont think I should have to use a stupid weak aura to decipher abilty behavior. Again, period end of statement.
I’m willing to accept that I might not be able to fully reflect the EFFECT or the FULL DMG of something that was chucked at me because, like being able to Stun bosses, it would triviliaize some encounters. But both of those abilites should still function as a DEFLECT if nothing else.

You can disagree, and that’s fine. But there’s no need to be rude about it or treat people like they’re stupid. Blizz needs to fix…so my OP stands.

Okay so I just tested Spell Block in a PvP duel, and it seems to be functioning appropriately in that aspect of the game. With Shield Block up, I blocked 100% of the direct damaging spells thrown at me. When Shield Block was down, I blocked roughly 1/3 of the spells, which correlates with my 33% block chance. Critical blocks could also occur.

I actually did not know that this ability was expected to be used with shield block. Good to know, will try this again in conditions where I know it’s not been working and report back.

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No shot you type this. Argue with me and others the ability isn’t functioning, and than later on state…

So you were using the ability incorrectly. Inisted that when people showed you proof of the spell functioning as expexted, that we were being “Rude” to you. And than hide behind, some excuse of playing the game for years as your expertise.

I swear you can’t make this stuff up.

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Okay, ignore time. You seriusly just want to argue and argue and argue and for what? ego boost? Get a life seriously.

My point still stands as much as are you so damned dtermined to keep arguing.
There is nothing in the tooltip that indicates it MUST be used with shield block.
Why is that SO HARD for you get through your skull? I’m asking Blizz to fix this. Fix the tooltip if that’s what we’re expected to do (which kinda makes no sense, but w/e) or remove that requirement.

Really just have several seats at this point. your edgelord stuff is just making you look like a reddit troll.

ITs impressive how you put yourself public to show you are that condescending yet you don’t know what you are talking about

I hate how reddit-esque these forums have become. Seriously.
I’m not backing down.

  1. Warriors should not be expected to know 1000x “gotchas” for an ability that if taken at tooltip-face-value, is supposed to save you from big chunks of magic dmg since a lot of tanks have this as a weakness
  2. the CD on both abilites is long enough that we cant just spam the abilty and never take magic damage. Therefore, the idea and design BEHIND THE INTENT of the abitlies is fine as is
  3. Blizz needs to ensure all spells and boss/mob abilities follow a simliar template so that it’s intutive enough to know when to use an ability and when it wont work…without requiring a bunch of outside research and/or an addon

All other side arguments are essentially irrelevant.

Classic pot meet kettle posting hours.

It’s okay whenever I’m the one being condescending tho :+1:

Also what Kennie said was right, spell reflect works consistently on web blast, you simply didn’t use it before the cast ended.

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sorry but at this point, i need to see a video.
I need to see a prot warrior tanking Zekvir and able to reflect ANY cast of “web blast” from the spider that hatches from the egg. Then we can talk.

That is not even close to that, but sure you can see whatever the way you like.

That is not rly being condescending , i just said how things worked on my experience, versus someone who didn’t even did the content and was trying to be condescending saying i have no idea what i was talking about

No, he was wrong, it wasn’t working properly before.

I did notice after the update this week that it was working more consistently, cause i did a 11 delve jut fine with the spell working as intended, spell block was also working how it is suppose to, didn’t tried to do Zekir lair or anything yet.

So glad the bug, apparently was fixed :slight_smile:

It wasn’t changed and has been working fine for everyone but you two. Your inability to press the button before a cast goes off is a you problem. I will add, it’s impressive that instead of trying to slink off and hope everyone forgets, you’ve gone and doubled down on your level of bad.

So it was not working for everyone.

And again, how you do know other people didn’t suffer this as well? the forums are a minority and not many people post here, or in other particular discords.

Again, you jumping into conclusions thinking this is rather a player problem rather being at least skeptical that this might be a bug interaction with new npcs and spells just show how much of a delusional snob you are.

I say its more impressive that you had to come here and double down how much of an as$ you want to look like, but hey, i at least did my 11 delve just fine with the spells working as intended, no bugs now, apparently fixed

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The ability wasn’t changed. You here now claiming it magically works now shows you weren’t using it right. It’s quite telling that you don’t even understand this. It wasn’t bugged before, and it isn’t bugged now.

Yeah duh, i never said the abiliy changed, i didn’t knew you would be that dense, is the bug interaction with the ability and the mobs spells not working properly last week and is now working properly after maintenance, as far i tested doing 9-11 delves.

And how do you know that if you didn’t do the content?